League of Swords Organization in Aerith | World Anvil
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League of Swords

Military, Scholastic, Commerce

The League of Swords is the foremost fighting school and mercenary company on Starhelm. It is also home to Moonsteel, the greatest metal to ever be forged. It was founded by Tristan TrueArc the greatest swordsmen of his or any age.  


In the year 790 PF (Post Fractioning, approximately 200 years ago), a rather sizeable and organized Goblinoid uprising began in the mountain passes near Essillion. This was believed to be in response to Essillion’s introduction of small Human communities in an attempt to populate areas outside the two major cities. The newer villages and towns were quickly levelled and burned. Under the leadership of the Ogre Mage Dysar and his Ogress Queen Fyldraj the Hobgoblin army gained momentum from these victories and soon threatened Essillion itself.   In response, the great Human city put out a call for mercenaries of any type that would combat the Goblinoids. The first Goblin crusade was born. It would be an all-out war to push the marauding Goblinoid armies, led by their vicious Bugbear lords, back to below the deserts and disband them.   One such mercenary that heeded the call was a former travelling bard named Tristan True-arc. Tristan was, as bards go, a terrible singer, dancer, and musician; his strength lying mainly in juggling and acrobatics. Together with his twin scimitars he was a wizard of skill and finesse with a blade. At some point in his travels he had met with or learned from a real swordsman on how to turn his sword agility into a deadly art. Tristan combined his skill with solid swordsmanship, stances, strikes, parries, and dodges. Whomever he learned his skills from is a mystery to this day, but nonetheless, the travelling bard was no more, and Aerith’s most dangerous man with a blade was born.   Tristan was without equal in combat. His moves were blinding, almost to the point of being magical. It is said that he dispatched one hundred Hobgoblins and the Bugbear Lord Igmarh in a campaign that lasted several months. As the Human crusade grew in strength, Tristan True-arc was chosen, among others, to lead a daring raid into the underground and kill the Goblin leaders Dysar and his Ogress Queen Fyldraj. These two terrible generals were the heart of the Goblinoid armies.   Before the operation began Tristan forged a new sword, a longsword, which would be able to do greater damage to the larger Goblinoids. His long sword was weighted differently as it favoured a heavy slashing motion rather than the abrupt slice of his scimitars. The raid turned out to be a trap, however, and Tristan’s forces were ambushed and killed to a man, though Tristan had managed to escape the carnage. Instead of returning home, he continued on and infiltrated the Goblinoid army, fighting Dysar the Ogre Mage and his Queen Fyldraj. Tristan was outnumbered but he managed to slay the Queen while the Ogre Mage fled to the mountains. The Goblinoid army gradually disbanded after half a year following the loss of their leaders, but Essillion discontinued any further expansion ideas, confining itself to the walled mountain city for the meantime.   Tristan True-arc was a hero and began teaching his sword style, all the while continuing his efforts to help combat Goblinoids and other bandits and brigands. He constantly turned down requests to lead armies or to accept military rank, preferring to remain independent.   Several years later the Dwarves of the mountains surrounding Essillion came to the city requesting aid. It seemed that the Ogre Mage Dysar had transformed into a creature never seen by them before. This monstrosity was a huge abomination of Goblin blood, seemingly impervious to wounds and possessed deadly claws and teeth sharper than daggers. Tristan was asked to track down and slay the beast as several Dwarven heroes had already tried and had not returned from its cold mountain lair. For this task Tristan needed to forge 2 new swords, blades he had been playing with in his mind for some time. First he contemplated making it from Airsteel, the metal the Elves used. Airsteel was fast and lightweight but not very durable. The Dwarves offered Rocksteel, their trademark black volcanic metal, strong and unbreakable but also slow and heavy.   After much research and experimentation, Tristan discovered a method to combine Airsteel and Rocksteel, culminating in a creation that was both lightweight and quick, but still able to deal heavy damage. Calling the metal Moonsteel, he created a longsword and a scimitar of extraordinary craftsmanship, which he named Thalia and Dannand, respectively. They possessed both the speed of Airsteel and the strength of Rocksteel, a deadly combination, especially in the hands of a master swordsman, With these two swords Tristan transformed himself from the greatest swordsman on Aerith to the greatest swordsman to have ever lived; past, present, or future, and that title would never be given to another. Tristan promised to track down this devilish creature, and put an end to it. He found it hiding in its lair in the high mountains of the Havenguard Chain, in the northern parts of the Barrier Guard of Denethen . He would rid the world of this creature before it was no longer satisfied with just filling up on Dwarves.   For several months Tristan survived avalanches, dizzying heights, and frigid temperatures to track the beast to its lair. A titanic battle began between Tristan and what the Dwarves called Troll, meaning ‘abomination’ in Dwarvish. Tristan used every trick he knew to defeat the creature. He dodged and flipped and parried, all the while striking clean, crisp blows. His sword danced as he severed the foul beast’s limbs, but to his astonishment they would regenerate in seconds! A sense of dread filled Tristan. The Troll simply healed all the damage Tristan could inflict upon it, regardless of how much he dealt. He tried cutting it, impaling it on stalagmites, throwing it from the mountain, hanging it, and many other ways beyond count. Their fight lasted for days. The only moments of rest that Tristan could take advantage of came when he destroyed the Troll’s body enough that it took a couple hours to fully regenerate. Even though Tristan was the better warrior, after a couple days the Troll was able to inflict some wounds to the tired and beleaguered fighter, Eventually the dozens of cuts, bruises, and broken bones started to wear him out. The cold mountain air was making it hard for Tristan to breathe and he kept wishing for a fire to warm his bones. Thinking intuitively, Tristan devised an idea that he would use as a last-ditch effort. In desperation, he lit his Moonsteel swords ablaze with fire and attacked one last time. The regenerating creature howled and hissed as the blades sank deep, its thick leathery skin catching fire. To Tristan’s shock and relief, the Troll could not heal itself this time. It twisted in agony, allowing Tristan to land a few more blows with his flaming swords, and eventually the foul creature died from his wounds. Tristan himself had suffered greatly for his efforts, though. His hands were burned to the bone, blackened from the fires that defeated the Troll. He returned to Essillion, against all odds and despite his injuries. Shortly after his return, his hands were amputated in order to save the man himself. His career as a swordsman was over. Tristan entreated Essillion and the priests of Tereale there to help him and regenerate the hands that helped save them and their Dwarf allies. In a surprising move the priests of Tereale refused to help. They claimed that their god was unwilling to intervene, and that Tristan’s life was progressing as it should. If he needed help, he should seek it from the Dwarves. Alas, there were no priests of Denethen nearby skilled enough to bring Tristan’s hands back.   Saddened that they could not help the man who defeated the Troll, the Dwarves did what they do best, and build him a mountain keep to live out the rest of his days. It was dubbed the Citadel True-Arc, and Tristan spent his remaining days there teaching any who would brave the trek through the mountain passes. Though he could no longer wield a blade, others traveled from all over Aerith to learn the True-Arc Way of the Sword. Small settlements and weaponsmith and blacksmith shops were built up around the Citadel’s base and the League of Swords was born.   Tristan True-Arc died shortly after the loss of his hands, failing to complete several books detailing the secrets of his skill. The leaders of the League of Swords guard his secrets carefully, ensuring that the main text detailing his work, called the Codex of Infinite Swords, is well protected. Within the pages of the book holds the basics of Tristan’s style and thought process. The first page reads: “I am one with the sword, the sword is one with me”.   Tristan himself is entombed within the Citadel under heavy guard. After his death all of his swords were examined by experts and sorcerers to determine if they held any magic in them. Rumors had always existed that the source of his power was actually magical weapons, but the experts proved this untrue. Not a single drop of magic was discovered on any of his weapons, although they all possessed a god-like balance and sharpness.  

Current Membership

The League of Swords is a very prestigious organization of the best bladesmen in all of Starhelm. It is broken up into 5 ranks; Blade, Greater Blade, Master Blade, Senior Blade, and Grand Blade.  

League of Swords Ranks

  • Grand Blades (Leaders): A council of 10 men and women, who are experts in a specific style of the league; Blade Dancer, Blade Worker, Buster-wielder, Duelist, Generalist, Multi-wielder, Protector, Swashbuckler, TrueArc, and Sword Master. Though there isn’t an official leader, the Grand Blade Korv Forgebearer is often cited as the leader as he has on the council since it first started
  • Master Blade (Second in Commands): Direct underlings to each of the Grand Blades, there are anywhere between 5-10 Senior Blades per Grand Blade. They will usually teach classes or special individuals
  • Senior Blade (Elite): This rank is awarded once a specialization is completed
  • Greater Blade (Specialist): The majority of the League holds this rank as they continue to work on their specialization. It is not mandatory to stay at the League during this time. Many will travel or perform missions for the League as needed
  • Blade (Trainee): This rank is bestowed upon joining the league, while choosing a specialization and learning the basics. No missions will be given, and those of this rank are not considered a full member until this level is completed

League of Swords Training

Access to training is available to every Blade withing the first few weeks, if not immediately. There is no limit to the training offered, and many will take different styles to round out their skill set.  
  • Bladesinger: Bladesingers combine wizardry and swordplay, with a touch of refinement. This skill is majestic and deadly, perfectly mixing magic and blade work to increase the effectiveness of both. Commonly Elves, or nobles take this training.
  • Blade Workers: Blade Workers make blades for themselves or others, which gives them insight into many unique or rarely used blades, in addition to the more common ones used by the general population. Similar to the generalist, they are able to wield any blade, but their focus and passion is on crafting the blades, rather than mastering them. Blacksmiths and Dwarves most often take this training.
  • Buster-wielder: Buster-wielders are trained to wield large (even absurdly large) blades with relative ease. This training focuses on strength over speed, typically requiring only one hit to finish off an opponent. Most often farmers and soldiers will gravitate to this training.
  • Duelist: Duelists are masters of one on one combat. Their strikes are precise and deliberate, letting them defeat their enemies quickly and painlessly. Unsurprisingly, tournament duelists or those attempting to become a tournament duelist take this training.
  • Generalist: Generalists are masters of no particular style, but proficient with all. They can pick up any blade and wield it as if they have been using it all their lives. Their comfort with weapons allows them to pick up any weapon they might and be just as skilled. Soldiers or Blacksmiths most often take this training.
  • Multi-wielder: Multi-wielders are able to wield multiple weapons as easily as if they were just wielding one. Most start with just two weapons, but those very skilled can wield three possibly even more. They are masters of multiple attacks to overwhelm their opponents, emerging victorious. Rangers and mercenaries take this training frequently.
  • Protector: Protectors use their skill with the blade to protect those around them. They will block everything from blades, to projectiles, and for those very skilled, even blocking magic. Guards most typically take this training.
  • Swashbuckler: Swashbucklers are often seen as pirates or criminals, but the style of swashbuckling is all about mixing your personality with your swordplay. It focuses on fancy footwork, charm, and a lot of panache. Roguish personalities favour this type of style.
  • Sword Master: Sword Masters use one blade and one blade only. They are the best of the best while wielding that weapon and they know their blade so well they can accomplish amazing feats with it.
  • TrueArc: This style is based on the legendary Tristan True-Arc, the founder of the League of Swords. It mixes bardic magic with masterful swordplay, similar to the Bladesinger’s style, but focusing more on using magic to improve your swordplay.


The League of Swords wears many hats, but at its core it is a school for weapon mastery. They attract experts in all fields, and from all walks of life (as long as they can teach weapon play that is). They are interested in expanding a little bit, in opening up schools in Avandar, Hollow’s Point, and even Brightbough, if they can get the Elves on board.   They also offer out their services as a mercenary company, and as a place where exquisite weapons can be purchased. Their protection of the secrets of Moonsteel is legendary and they will go to almost any cost to keep that secret with them. So far they have been successful, and even those that make Moonsteel weapons have never been able to duplicate the quality weapons that the League of Swords are able to produce.  


The main resources at the League of Swords disposal are knowledge, fighting men, and weapons. They provide excellent examples of all three, and as such they can fetch a high price for their services, regardless of what you want to acquire from them. Their reputation, fairly earned, is one of superb quality in everything they do, and many nobles or wealthy merchants will encourage (or force) their children to attend the school.   Moonsteel, and Moonsteel weapons are available, in limited quantities to those who prove their worth at the school, or for those who perform great deeds for the League. It is a rare gift to receive a Moonsteel weapon from a member of the League of Swords, and one that might get passed down from generation to generation.  

Notable Personalities

Grand Blades

  • Bladesinger: Ahinar Goldleaf (f/elf)
  • Blade Worker: Korv Forgebearer (m/dwarf)
  • Buster-wielder: Kavakein Toleston (m/goliath)
  • Duelist: Ea (f/air genasi)
  • Generalist: Aodh Macdain (m/human)
  • Multi-wielder: Darcy Skyshard (m/human)
  • Protector: Paria Hornblast (f/minotaur)
  • Swashbuckler: Keelie Fairfeather (f/aarokocra)
  • Sword Master: Egart Moonshadow (m/halfling)
  • TrueArc: Brida Winterkiss (f/human)
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Purpose: Foremost school of weaponry and excellence in arms
  Membership: Warrior, Rogues, Bards, any martial profession, instructors, mercenaries
  Base of Operations: League of Swords school in Havenguard Chain of Barrier Guard of Denethen, near Essillion
  Symbol: Two Moonsteel swords crossed with motes of moonlight glinting
  Notable Members: Grand Blade Korv Forgebearer (de facto leader)


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