Narfindel Settlement in Aerith | World Anvil
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Narfindel is home to the western Fallen of Starhelm. This once proud Avariel city bears little resemblance to its glory days. One solid central building remains intact, with the fallen and broken towers littering the courtyards and city streets. Nature has retaken much of the crater that was caused by Narfindel’s fall, with the swamplands to the west creeping in, the hard, rocky north border of the city, and the short and hardy scrub brush of the east filling in the once cobbled streets.   The Fallen of Narfindel Keep (as it is known topside to the Fallen) keep a modest supply of warriors, guards, and scavengers topside to interact with the denizens of the aboveground. They have a celebrated warrior-priest of Flane named Drusillia Ebontongue leading the way and most communication or sightings of Fallen are by her design. She has orchestrated the alliance between Crackmaw the Lizard King and her people; she continues to harass the Goblins of the Undersands to great effect; and her efforts to keep the Grippli city of Mudburrow ill at ease has been going very well for her.   The true city of Narfindel lies many miles directly below the ruins of the topside city. The dark and twisting architecture speaks directly to their twisted and distorted minds. While all Fallen have a touch of madness to them, the citizens of Narfindel have a preponderance of it. Their buildings look like they are as likely to fall on themselves as they would stand, however there is method in their madness. Outsiders who look on their walls, at best look on with unease, while some have been known to weep or flee in fear. They have allied themselves with the worst of the Underdark and have made quite a reputation for themselves. Few in the depths challenge a Narfindel citizen, let alone a contingent of them.   The Underdark city of Narfindel is led by a mad genius Sorcerer by the name of Korfel Xistrios. He has an elite cadre of Fallen guards around him at all times and special Gargoyle palace guards around his entire castle. He is paranoid, evil, and quite mad. There are some that are getting a little concerned that his madness will go too far, and it will be their undoing. Many hope that Drusillia will take his place and lead them to even greater prosperity.


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