Crackmaw Character in Aerith | World Anvil
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King Crackmaw

A great Lizardfolk King arose in a village near Linkwood and he has subjugated all the other villages under his rule. Slaying all the other Lizard Kings, he now rules over his people with a martial fist, ensuring they do not get too soft. He has given his blessing for each village to be led by a Lizardman Champion who has the unrivaled authority in that village. In time these Lizardfolk have learned the benefits of joining forces so they succeed against the Grippli more often than Lizard Folk in the other swamps. They have also taken to allying themselves with the Fallen of Narfindel to great success.   Crackmaw has given the tribes under his rule the sense of leadership as they promote a champion to lead their tribe. All serve Crackmaw though, and he makes sure to reward his loyal followers and bring suffering to his detractors.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Powerfully built Lizard King, with a great tail, large claws, and razor-sharp teeth, which he is fond of using.
Current Location
Aligned Organization


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