Oasis of Pestilence Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Oasis of Pestilence

In opposition to Hope's Oasis, the Oasis of Pestilence, to the south of the Desert of Rage is held mostly by the Golzect-PuKtan (Golzect’s Rage). It is fed by a series of streams that flow from the western coast and feed the oasis with underground streams. The Goblins cultivate a poisonous plant that is in abundance near the oasis, but the water and rest of the oasis is life-giving. The Goblins sometimes use the Oasis of Pestilence as a staging ground and they foster the idea that this is a poisonous oasis and should be avoided.   Tunnels from The Warrens extend through here and even when the Oasis of Pestilence looks abandoned it is always under guard from below by devoted shamans of Golzect, Hobgoblin elite guards, and a series of warning systems that will alert the Goblins to any intrusion. It is currently being tended to by a Goblin shaman named Flearamon, who strangely has not evolved even though he is well past his time to do so.
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