Reedfellow Clan Organization in Aerith | World Anvil
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Reedfellow Clan

The Reedfellow Clan is a small group of rare barbarian Halflings that reside in Pondhollow, a hamlet to the southwest of the Lake of Battered Helms. They have rejected the comfortable life of a typical Halfling and like to live off the land. They claim to have a spiritual connection to the earth itself and don’t hold to the Littleman’s wanderings. They are not overly violent but more so than a typical Halfling would be. They are led by a strong Halfling named Ander Strongbones, who makes sure to maintain a fighting force to defend themselves against any attacks. He prefers to hunt, and fish then fight needlessly but he will not hesitate to take the battle to anyone threatening his people.
Geopolitical, Clan


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