Scarguard Chain Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Scarguard Chain

This middle section of the Barrier Guard is most noted for the large volcano that rises like an angry scar out of the mountain chain. Originally inhabited by Stone and Earth Dwarves, the Scar of Fire was created during the time of the Rising, when the Elemental Plane of Fire erupted from this section of the mountains, destroying everything that was in the area. However, the Dwarves in that area, solid as the mountains from which they mine, did not die. Instead, they were transformed into Azers and forced to serve the Efreet of the Golden Dome of Pyrez, the city that now shared its space with both Aerith and the Elemental Plane of Fire.   Many creatures escaped from the portal when it was first established, and there are still some that make their way out now, but most do not travel too far from the Scar. The comfort of the heat keeps them close. The Efreet of the Golden Dome quickly took control of this area, imposing their will on those who lived there. Coming along with the Efreet in organized factions, were the Salamanders, and the various heat-loving Mephits of Magma, Steam, and Fire.   The rule of the Great Sultan is universally accepted and those that seek to supplant, insult, or abuse his good graces will suffer greatly at his hands. Like much of the mountain regions, the people of the Scar of Fire value law and order, but they do not necessarily view the rest of the races in a favourable light. They enjoy their perceived superiority and can easily take offense to those they deem lesser than themselves (which is almost everyone). The viziers, inquisitors, bureaucrats, and guards of the Sultan ensure his laws are kept, and that the city and region runs smoothly.
Included Locations
Population: Majority – Ignan Genasi; Minority – Azer, Salamander, Efreeti; Lesser minority – Dwarves; Singular – Fire Weird (Lady Fireeyes)


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