The Southern Shield Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Southern Shield

The Southern Shield currently guards against the further encroachment of the Witch Queen’s Plaguelands and blasted fields, but it was not always so. The Southern Shield separates the blasted ruins of Starhelm City from the great forest of Brightbough, being the most southerly part of Starhelm. It contains a variety of environments, the most prevalent being the Southguard Plains, and home to the Halls of the Cleansed Soul - the most revered and holy place for the worshippers of Morthos.   It has some of the deadliest places on Starhelm in its purview, however. The largest of the Fallen cities, Exandar lies on its eastern border, near the Barrier Guard of Denethen, and causes much worry and danger to both the good and evil people of the region. To the west is the smallest but very deadly swamp called Petrie Mire, home of one of the most dangerous creatures on all of Starhelm, the great Shadow Dragon Korgobonthonor.   The roving bands of Human and Goliath barbarians both protect and harry the many villages and farms that are trying to eke out a living in what used to be the largest breadbasket on Starhelm, the ruins of Goldensheaf.


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