Womb of Humanity Building / Landmark in Aerith | World Anvil
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Womb of Humanity

Located on the border between the Brightbough Forest and the southern Ocean of Starhelm, the Womb of Humanity is hidden from most people’s eyes and is heavily protected by a group made up of each Founding Race, some prominent races, as well as Primal Magics. In addition, the gods of Life and Death, Tereale and Morthos, have secured more protections on the Womb, ensuring it is never desecrated, altered, or destroyed. If the Womb were to somehow be destroyed all life on Aerith would suffer. No births or deaths would occur until a new Womb was created and the spirits of the dead would linger on in the world.   The Avariel, Founder Races, and Beasts were the only creatures created both physically and spiritually in the Umbra, while the rest of the creatures had only their spiritual essence created in the Umbra, while their physical form needed to be created on the Prime plane.   Tereale was tasked with ensuring the spirits in the Umbra were matched to a physical form on the Prime plane, while Morthos was in charge of ensuring their spirits were returned back to the Umbra. Neither is concerned with good or evil, law or chaos, they just exist to maintain the balance of life and death. No spirit may leave the Umbra without Morthos' permission and no spirit may enter the Prime without Tereale's permission.

Purpose / Function

The Womb is the birthplace of all living things on Aerith, and it is the place where all spirits come to make their final journey to the Umbra.


The Womb is protected by both Morthos and Tereale, and also by many prominent races. Each race has chosen the manner in which it will guard the Womb and there are many who send forces to protect it on a regular basis. If the Womb were to somehow be destroyed it would cause much havoc on the world. Souls would neither be able to come into the Prime or leave the Prime. Babies being born would be lifeless husks, and the dying would never die. Madness and chaos would grip the world and suffering would be endless. With no doorway, an open gash to the Umbra would be revealed, allowing those who wanted access to reach the other side.    The biggest enemy to the Womb is the Witch Queen, who desires, above all else, to reach the Umbra and become a god, as well as cause as much suffering to the people of Aerith. Her agents are constantly trying to find the Womb, but thankfully the protections laid on it have kept it from her prying eyes. The various defenses of the Womb include:   Avariel: The Avariel protect the Womb from any attack that would occur from the sky, and also invigorate any who are defending the Womb allowing them to never tire and remain ever vigilant. Dragonkin: The Dragonkin enchanted the walls surrounding the Womb with an anti-magic field Dwarf: The Dwarves have built the Rocksteel walls around the Womb, preventing any physical attacks from penetrating Elf: Around the Womb the Elves have erected a Sylvan Bulwark of trees, vines, bushes, and shrubs. They are nearly impossible to cut down and the defenders of the Womb are well protected against enemy attacks Goblinkind: They have defended the Womb from underground attack by building a network that can only be traversed if you know the path. Those who do not know the path will be lost in the maze until death or rescue Goliath: Goliaths provide the largest number of forces that consistently guard the Womb. They are the soldiers and protectors that guard against enemy attacks Grippli: The Grippli have set up all manner of traps all around the Womb to deter any unwelcome guests Gnomes: The Gnomes have provided improved weaponry, including very powerful ballista and trebuchets to help defend the Womb Humans : Nomads provide the second largest force to guard the Womb, while Humans of the cities keep knowledge secret and safe from unwanted seekers Halflings: Halflings supply food, comfort, and entertainment to any soldiers garrisoned at the Womb, reminding everyone of the need to protect what is precious The Fallen: The Fallen hide the location from all who would seek to do it harm. They have enchanted any who know the location to never be able to speak it to anyone who does not already know the location.


The Womb of Humanity was created by The Three Pillars as a gateway between the Umbra and the Prime plane. Morthos and Tereale, created shortly after, were the first beings to emerge from the Womb, though they appeared on opposite sides of the doorway and have yet to either meet each other. They were the caretakers of the Womb and saw to its continued safety and existence.   The Avariel, created in the Umbra by The Three Pillars, were the next race through the doorway, sent to keep the Drakon population in check and to protect the world from the destruction the Drakons were causing. After the Drakons were defeated and balance came back to the world, The Three Pillars were prepared to send their next Umbra creations to populate the Pangea of Haven. The five Founder races of Dwarf, Halfling, Human, Goblinkind, and Grippli, were sent through in that order, with the Beasts of Haven to follow shortly after. The first Beasts through became the Wardens of Nature and continued to create other beasts in their likeness once they settled in their environments.
Founding Date
-116 AD
Alternative Names
The Womb
Natural Wonder
Parent Location


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