The Western Shore Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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The Western Shore

The Western Shore is the most western edge of the continent and has suffered a lot of changes since the Fractioning. The island city of Avandar was once part of the mainland but has since been shorn from the continent and left floating some miles off the coast. It has made a great recovery since the time of their separation and is now one of the greatest cities on Starhelm.   The swamps of the western shore have grown considerably since the Fractioning and have filled in many of the ancient plains that once held great promise of food and prosperity. For the Grippli, the coming together of their homelands has made it much easier for them to communicate, share resources, stories, and keep their families intact. It has also allowed for greater communication with the civilized races of Humans and Elves and provided the Grippli with technology and knowledge they had been lacking previously. In addition, the Grippli are now able to share their resources and knowledge of their swampland, providing the Elves and Humans some fascinating and very beneficial discoveries.


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