Titanclaw Nests Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Titanclaw Nests

The Titanclaw nests are a series of a few nests across the northern end of the Mantle. Most assume that there are multiple Rocs in the region and any sighting of a Roc typically gets exaggerated to include multiple Rocs. However, in reality there is only one Roc in the region and its name is Titanclaw. The nests and aeries of Titanclaw are mostly abandoned as he typically gets bored or forgets where his last nest is when he returns from his hunting trips. Thankfully Titanclaw has a taste for seafood so he tends to fly over the ocean and pick up whales or the occasional passing ship, but he does sometimes head northward or westward to vary his diet.   Some brave mountain denizens have made his abandoned nests their home, but they are constantly on the lookout for his return. So far, Titanclaw has not returned to any of his old nests but time will tell if he gets nostalgic for his old homes.
Mountain / Hill


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