Denethen's Mantle Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Denethen's Mantle

Denethen’s Mantle is the mountain chain that hugs the eastern coast, consisting of the Seaguard Chain, the Snakepass Chain, and the Spiked Shore. It is home to three Earth Dwarf and three Stone Dwarf cities, as well as a large Cloud Giant population, an ancient Aarakocra city, and the prime temple to the Dragon god Drakova.   The weather is colder in the north with more temperate temperatures as you head south. The mountains can be colder with the breeze coming in off the ocean and its high altitude. The Spiked Shore can be quite pleasant for weather, if not for landscape, as the southerly winds make for a nice gentle breeze.   A pass near the centre of the Snakepass Chain leads to the eastern shore but it is not a popular stop as there is no safe harbour and the rocks are jagged and plentiful near there. However, the Dwarves will watch those that try to make the trip to make sure there is nothing untoward happening there without them knowing about it.   The northern area was once filled with creatures of earth and stone that opposed the Dwarves of the Mantle. The Galeb Duhr, the Gargoyles, the Geonid, and some Earth Elementals were all led by a powerful Dao bent on destroying the Dwarves. A great war between the Dwarves and the city of Boulderdwell raged on for decades before the Dwarves finally emerged victorious against the earth creatures and defeated the Dao. The city was renamed Marblewell but there are many in the north that do not side with the Dwarves and pockets of resistance have sprung up, particularly in the north.   The Dwarves of Denethen’s Mantle know they are not as visible as those in the Barrier Guard, but they are a very proud and honourable race, looking to show off their skills and excellent qualities to those that wish to see it. They are welcoming and more open-minded than other Dwarves of the continent, including the Stone Dwarves. Stone Dwarves of the Barrier Guard or the Helm will often hide themselves away, letting the Earth Dwarves do the talking. In Denethen’s Mantle the Stone Dwarves and Earth Dwarves are equally represented, though they each have their own particular strengths. They are very clan oriented, but they also view the whole region as one big Dwarf clan. They are very keen on keeping their reputation as honourable and trustworthy people intact and to quell any resistance that might undermine their power in the north.   The Cloud Giants, though not very active in the lower mountains, hold power on the peaks, particularly near the centre of the range. The lesser Giants of Stone and Hill are the ones most often encountered by typical folk, but they are deep under the thumb of the Cloud Giant king in Nimbus Fortuna, the Cloud Giant city high in the clouds.   The Spiked Shore, an anomaly from the time of the rising, has made the southern section of the mountain range mostly impassable, except for some brave travelers, and the unique and strange Krysin, a race of rat-like humanoids that originally hailed from the Underdark. They have made a city for themselves in the crystal shards of the Spiked Shore, and their partnership with the Dwarves of Goldencrest and Prism Tower have made it possible for them to prosper and grow. Those two races are looking to clean up the Spiked Shore and make it possible for a safe harbour to be built near the southeastern edge of the continent. It will take years, but they are hopeful it will happen.


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