Twilight Interior Geographic Location in Aerith | World Anvil
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Twilight Interior

Located from the far west of the continent in the largest swamp on Starhelm, through the rocky and short grass of the Steppes of Centos, and all the way over to the deserts of the Goblinkin, the Twilight Interior hosts a great variety of environments and races. The Grippli of the swamp, the Humans and Goliaths of the steppes, and the Goblins of the desert trade, pillage, share, and war with each other frequently. Alliances can change quickly and the Fallen of Narfindel cause much havoc with the people of the region.   The people are used to a difficult life scrounging for resources which has made them both suspicious of strangers, who might be competing for their share, but also content to live with less. They have learned how to make use of all their resources to the greatest effect, not wanting to waste anything and appreciative of what they have.


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