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Little but Strong

While they stand under 5 feet tall, dwarves are dense and hardy and can weigh as much as a human. Their courage and endurance is well evident, but they are known for mining, stone workers, metal workers, and as warriors.   Skin tone of dwarves varies from deep brown to fair. Paler dwarves usually have red hair, but dwarf hair ranges from black, gray, & brown. Typically worn in a variety of styles, usually long and in simple styles. Beards are valued greatly by males and groomed accordingly. Females also have beards, but often keep them shaved.  

Life Long Grudges

Lifespans of dwarves are long and enduring, typically lasting longer than 400 years. This gives them a perspective lost on humans. They remain solid and stoic through the passage of time as they lean on traditions of their kin that trace back to their ancestors. They hold tightly to their loyalty to their clans and devotion to their gods, who reward the ideals of crafting, industry, and skill in battle.   Their stubborness is legendary. Common to dwarves is a sense of justice. This makes them slow to forget past transgressions. Wrongs to individual dwarves easily evolve into clan feuds as their devotion to family is typically very strong.  

Great Kingdoms

Beneath the mountains, dwarven kingdoms are massive and intricately carved. These settlements are many and are usually sites where they have mined their precious metals, and gems. Renoun for their forges, the dwarves' creations are often viewed as marvels of this world. They take great pride in their craft.   With such artistry, greed sometimes overtakes them. The desire for wealth and great social standing is strong. No matter their distance from home, they still cling to their clan affiliation and proudly boast of their identity. They will always recognize related dwarves and welcome them with open arms, even if they've never met them as their lineage is always kept on record and shared within their many oaths. The worst fate of a dwarf is to be clanless.   The mastery of craft lends to dwarves holding many riches. What they don't obtain through their own hands, they can gain through trade. They are fond of water travel; therefore, they deal with other races that are more enterprising in trade. Dwarves that find themselves far from home typically become smiths and artisans of some type. Due to their courage, some are sought after for work as mecenaries.
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Cover image: by jhmart1


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