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The world as it is known. Blue skies embrace various terrains under a single sun and two moons. Six primary land masses reside on its surface, separated by vast & violent oceans, while another world all to its own lurks beneath its surface.

Myth of Creation

  In the beginning, the inner plane was Aero. Formless, yet benevolent, Aero began to organize the elemental chaos of its thought. Aero formed the thought of darkness and named it Lyss. For balance, Aero formed the thought of light and named it Shae. The two thoughts clashed, each trying to overcome the other, existing simultaneously. Aero struck the infused mingling, splitting them. This caused material pieces of Aero to be shattered and scattered as a plane, forming stars and worlds. The peal brought consciousness to the two thoughts of light and dark. The two consciousnesses would forever share this creation of the Material Plane.   In their parting, Shae and Lyss birthed a third entity between them. The same tendrils that had connected them took form from the exposed Fabric of Aero. These threads between light, dark, and the material was revealed as Sytys. As a part of the Fabric of Aero, Sytys was forever tied to the magic of the universe.   They looked upon a piece of the shattered and called it Aernoch, meaning “a piece of Aero.” Within and without, there was beauty. On its face, they shaped life that sprang between the edges of Aero and themselves. Shae’s children proved greater and formed consciousness. Lyss in jealousy, reached between the planes, outside of Aero’s thought, and birthed primordial creatures. She pulled them to Aernoch’s surface. These primordials brought destruction to the face of Aernoch.   To protect the children, Shae likewise reached beyond the edges of Aero to connect her children to Sytys. While neutral, Sytys recognized Shae’s need and allowed this connection. This joining to the Fabric of Aero gave means for the children of Shae to combat the primordials. A great war commenced between the creations of Shae & Lyss. Aero descended to end the conflict. The primordials were defeated—either killed or imprisoned throughout the cosmos.    
From whence Shae & Lyss reached beyond Aero, two echo realms were seperated from the Material Plane. This became the Central Realm in its totality: The Material Plane, Shae’s Everday, and Lyss’s Evernight. Aero saw the distress caused by Shae, Lyss, and their creations. To conserve the Material Plane, Aero pushed them from it.
In recognizing the circumstantial position of the remaining children, Aero elevated the higher beings, or first creations of Shae & Lyss, as equals to their creators, named them all the Ancestral Gods of the Material, and allowed them to home in any plane they aligned in The Realms Beyond the Central Realm. The lower beings remained to inhabit either of the three planes within the Central Realm. Once moved, Aero then formed The Great Divide between the Central Realm and the Realms Beyond to ensure the safety of its creation. The seperation of the planes within the Central Realm and the seperation caused by The Great Divide was called The Splintering.   In this division of the gods from the Material Plane, Aero made it impossible for them to exist within it for a prolonged period of time. In doing so, the Fabric would drain their power over time and make them mortal. Thus, the Ancestral Gods of the Material typically only experience things on the face of Aernoch and within the Everday & Evernight vicariously through their lower being children.  
by Alex Syler

Articles under Aernoch

1st Era – The Forgotten Kingdoms

30000 BA 21056 BA

It is uncertain when this period truly begins. The earliest evidence of civilization marks the beginning, which is believed to date back to about 9,000 years before the arrival of dragons.

  • 30,000 BA

    First Civilization

    Ancient site in Aethos was estimated to be the oldest evidence of civilization on Aernoch.

  • 25,000 BA

    A Different Time

    As discovered from what few recovered records and drawings, the races of a variety of Bird Folk (to include the Aarakora), Satyr, Giants, Tortles, Centaur, Loxodon, Minotaur, and Tahmer were prevalent and dominant. Primitive humans of this era often looked upon the dominant races as gods and were enslaved.

  • 22,700 BA

    Tahmerik Theocracy

    Oldest sources suggest the Tahmerik Theocracy was well developed approximately a century prior to the Orthaumanus Almanac's creation.

  • 22,593 BA

    Orthaumanus Almanac Created
    Technological achievement

    The calendar of the ancients was created. Its designer was Orthaumanus, an ancient Satyr philosipher. This calendar functioned at various capacities for thousands of years.

    More reading
    Aernoch Calendar

2nd Era – Era of Dragons

21057 BA 14973 BA

The beginning is marked with a large volcanic eruption on what is now known as Dragonsong's "Bahamut's Breath."

  • 21,057 BA

    Grand Volcanic Eruption
    Disaster / Destruction

    It was believed that the event is what hatched the first dragon eggs. Some sages believed that Aero created the eggs during Prehistory.

  • 21,045 BA

    The First Dragon

    The first dragon appeared and feasted on a settlement of Loxodon. As more grew, the dragons immediately wreaked havoc on the denizens of Aernoch. The Tahmer had a large kingdom and had expanded across the continents. They were seen as the dominant intelligent race & greatest threat by the dragons. The dragons moved quickly to destroy the Tahmerik Kingdom.

  • 20,980 BA

    Tahmerik Kingdom Falls

    While it is believed the actual kingdom fell sooner, this was the last reference of the ancient Tahmers. A quick demise of a peaceful people.

  • 20,978 BA

    Rise of the Dragon Empire

    As their numbers grew, the Dragon Empire came to fruition as they reigned for thousands of years. Giants proved to be a worthy rival and battled the Dragon Empire for millennia. Ultimately, the giants were pushed into hiding in regions dragons rarely traveled.

  • 17,951 BA

    Arrival of the Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Elves arrived through a ritual performed in Everday, Plane of Light, to escape an impending disaster. They landed in a valley they called Everspring in Elithisyer.

  • 17,950 BA

    Elves & Dragons Clash

    It didn't take long before the Elves realized Dragons ruled the lands. The Elves quickly hid their home with magic. Both sides tested the other. The Dragons were intrigued by the new inhabitants, but wanted to exert their dominance.

  • 16,800 BA

    Decay of the Dragon Empire

    The last third of this era, the Dragon Empire began to decay from within as the dragons fought among themselves and were divided. It is uncertain the origin of this demise, but dragons began avoiding Mornetharin.

  • 16,012 BA

    Elven Expansion

    In an effort to draw the Dragons' attention away from their home in Everspring, the Elves began settlements in Surinya Tum "Celestial Valley" as well as the continent of Aethos.

  • 15,824 BA

    The Dark Kingdom
    Discovery, Exploration

    An expodition of Elves journeyed to Mornetharin, meaning Growing Darkness. There in Coraanevae, The Dark Kingdom, they found the remnants of a hidden realm of Tahmerik. The Tahmer of the region were controlled by an entity named Khoth from The Evernight, The Plane of Shadow. Khoth fed on the Elves' souls, breaking the individual's connection to Elphayme's Grace.   Once this entrenched kingdom became aware of the Elves, its singular drive was to consume their the souls.

  • 15,820 to 15,609 BA

    War of Souls
    Military action

    The throng from Khoth was drawn north to the elven population of Elithisyer. The Elves discovered the souls who were devoured by the Khothvan were lost forever. The Elves entered a war with Khoth that nearly saw the Elven Culture perish. Elphayme blessed his people with many children to fight the Dark Kingdom.

  • 15,660 BA

    Elvenkeep Erected
    Construction beginning/end

    As Khoth's strength reached into Elithisyer, the Elves erected "Elphayme Keep". The added protection made it more difficult to hide their sacred location from the dragons. So, they also built The Great Tower, a weapon to be used against dragons, on the edge of the Great Falls of Elithisyer.   The great Elven fortification was constructed from a mixture of moonstone and dragon scales. Its name eventually evolved to Elvenkeep.

  • 15,657 BA

    Treaty of Elves & Dragons
    Diplomatic action

    The Elves discovered a way to defeat Khoth. It required the assistance of the dragons. The dragons at this time were fighting among themselves. Khoth's influence had penetrated their minds. While Khoth was unable to control dragons the same as it could other sentient beings, its touch was a poison to dragonkind, causing them to have mistrust and jealousy within their ranks. Some dragons went mad, resulting in the Dragon Lords to put them down.    A pact was formed between the Elves and Dragons to fight Khoth.

  • 15,609 BA

    Banishment of Khoth

    With the help of the Dragons, the Elves banished Khoth from the Material Plane. To do so, the Elves used a form of High Magic that was extremely dangerous. In performing the spell, the casters were petrified. The entity was trapped between the Central Planes.

  • 15,609 BA

    Elves Betray the Dragons

    The Elves in trying to keep their home secure, betrayed the dragons and separated the Crown of Aero into 4 pieces. In the act, the dragons managed to retain two of the Pieces of Aero, while the Elves got the other two. Without the completed Crown of Aero, the Dragon Empire's stability declined. Dragon Lords feuded. The Elves and Dragons became bitter enemies.

  • 15,609 BA

    War of Dragons
    Military action

    Although they were both in weakened states following their near destruction against Khoth, the Elves & Dragons dueled. Only one would be left to command the world.

  • 15,609 BA

    The Forbidden Realm

    The Elves chose to hide details of the War of Souls from the growing population of Aernoch to protect their immortality and their connection to their deity. Thus, the origin of Khoth, Coraanevae, was renamed Khaor'Or (The Forbidden Realm), and forbade its settlement. To help safeguard the realm they placed settlements north of Khaor’Or and renamed the region Foqalodar (Shield of the World).

  • 15,498 BA

    War's End at Elvenkeep
    Military action

    With Elvenkeep exposed, the Elves prepared The Great Tower for its ultimate test. They lured dragons with the crown pieces and killed them as they arrived. The fall of the greatest of the Dragon Lords signalled the Dragon Empire's ultimate defeat.

    More reading
  • 14,973 BA

    Great Dragon Exodus
    Population Migration / Travel

    The last remnants of the Dragon Empire left the Material Plane. Any that remained secluded themselves.

3rd Era – The Golden Era

14973 BA 6881 BA

Also regarded as the Era of the Elves.

  • 14,973 BA

    Rise of the Elves
    Era beginning/end

    The Elves ruled the realm with grace. Their expansion of Aethos sprouted into 12 kingdoms. While the elves kept evil at bay; other races began their slow ascension to civilization.

  • 9133 to 6882 BA

    Elven Disparity

    The Elven Kingdoms of Aethos fought among themselves. Crowns were challenged from within by Elvraegaar, elves with gods' blood. The tension continued to rise between families.

  • 6882 BA

    Glyminath Civil War
    Military action

    Two Elvraegaar raised claims to the Crown of Glyminath, one of Enithwyn and one of Vhrayhthi. The Vhrayhthi was a Narylin, like most within that kingdom. When the Enithwyn refused to give up the crown that was previously within his family, a civil war errupted in Glyminath. The Narylin took control of the kingdom. Refugees escaped to the small Elven Kingdom of Emorisar and were granted asylum as Glyminath wanted those that escaped to pay for the lives lost in the civil war.

  • 6881 BA

    Emorisar Massacre
    Military action

    Many refugees of Glyminath ran to Emorisar. Emorisar's neighboring kingdom of Illunythr was a close ally of the Narylin of Glyminath. Illunythr posed as giving aid to Emorisar, then slaughtered them.

  • 6881 BA

    Betrayal of Vhrayhthi
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Vhrayhthi, one of the six greater gods of the Elvrae was seduced by Lyss into attempting to overthrough Elphayme in Allydi. This failed and Vhrayhthi was cast out.

4th Era – Elven Darkfall

6880 BA 5767 BA

The Elven Civil War on Aethos proves devastating.

  • 6880 BA

    The Great Elven War
    Military action

    Once they saw the atrocities of what had transpired, the High Crowns called for the Elvraegaar's Crown. Instead of yielding to the Ambassador, the Elvraegaar murdered the Ambassador. The Great Elven War began.   Illunythr & Glyminath were the two largest most fortified Elven Kingdoms, the other kingdoms were spread out over distances. Influenced by Lyss and Vhrayhthi, the Narylin saw the opportunity to subjugate the other kingdoms before they could combine their forces. With their close association to the fallen god Vhrayhthi, the moniker of vraythr was atributed to the Narylin, meaning lower or less than Vhrayhthi.

  • 6286 BA

    Athelnodel's Destruction by Lyss's Hand
    Disaster / Destruction

    Over time, the united forces of the Aethosian Elven Kingdoms turned the tide. A large army of Elves had retaken the Kingdom of Athelnodel. Seeing their advantage dissolve, the Narylin forces began to openly rely on the evil goddesses Lyss & Vhrayhthi.   Under the goddesses' guidance, the Narylin performed a ritual of High Magic that saw the Kingdom of Athelnodel be swallowed by the Undereach and flooded. This saw the end of thousands of Elves and releveled the battlefield between the Narylin & Aethosian Kingdoms.

  • 6042 BA

    Moonstone Towers Erected
    Construction beginning/end

    With Elphayme's guidance the elves of Mondorlyan erected Moonstone Towers at the Lake of Athelnodel. The site had a strong connection to Everday and held the Tears of Seylee for the thousands of elves buried there.

    More reading
    Moonstone Towers
  • 6042 BA

    The Elven Darkfall
    Civil action

    Through Moonstone Towers, the Elves performed a ritual of High Magic to cut off the Narylin's connection to Elphayme's Grace & the Elven Cycle. While the history of Aernoch recalls this as the Elven Darkfall, the Elves refer to it as The Severance. No longer creatures tied to the Light of Elphayme, the Narylin were referred to as Dark Elves.

  • 5768 BA

    Dark Elves' Descent
    Population Migration / Travel

    With the Narylin defeated and retreating, the lands of Glyminath & Illunythr were burned, driving them to the far west to the Darklands, a land touched by the Evernight. Over time, the epithet of vraythr titled the lands they inhabited.   While Moonstone Towers was built for Darkfall, The Severance, it became a powerful site of influence in the world of elves. The elves used it to better train and observe those touched by Sytys. Once they opened their doors for this service, it marked a new Era in the history of Aernoch. The Moonstone Towers stood as a beacon of knowledge and also as a warning to those that betray Elphayme.   The Great Elven War came to an end.

5th Era – The Aethosian Renaissance

5767 BA 1002 AS

A time of peace & growth as humans populate Aernoch.

  • 5767 to 4475 BA

    Dwarven & Elven Renaissance
    Era beginning/end

    Cultures turned inward to heal from such a tumultuous time. The Dwarves exerted themselves more on the surface than years past, though they still held mostly to their mountains. The Elves began their slow path to recovery.

  • 5767 BA

    Formation of the Elven Kingdom Councils & the Elven High Council
    Political event

    Following the Great Elven War, Elvish Culture was in tatters. The High Crowns saw an opportunity to restructure leadership with low population. Each kingdom was to elect three leaders, much like a Nalkier, to share in power with the Crown. The Crowns' voice were double weighted, but could be out voted by its Council of Nalkier. Therefore, the Elven Councils held the majority power in the kingdoms of Aethos... The rule of the Crowns had ended. To also further ensure selfish intent didn't consume the bloodlines of the decendants of Elphayme, the High Crowns moved to strike the surnames of the Elvrae from public knowledge to over time be lost so there would be no favor given to their decendents.   The High Crowns and Kingdom Crowns made up the Elven High Council, which focused on matters that preserve Elvish Culture as a whole.

  • 4475 BA to 1 BA

    Rise of Humanity

    Many elves lost their lives in the war, resulting in a greatly reduced elven population. The remaining Elven Kingdoms of Aethos continued to find disagreements, but did so peacefully. Over time, they began to drift their borders away from each other as humans slowly rediscovered their footing & grew in numbers.

  • Year Zero Event

    Availin Summation
    Diplomatic action

    The Elves feared that their weakened state in Aethos left the lands vulnerable. In humans, they saw opportunity in their light. They built relationships with the humans and dwarves, which culminated in the great alliance between the three races at the founding of the first human city of Availin on 12 Markas of Year 0 AS. This event is referred to as the Availin Summation and is the central event of the current calendar. The dwarves were likewise happy to support such a treaty as their own kingdoms were declining as dwarf births slowed.

    More reading
    Availin City
  • 223 AS

    First Countries

    Humans began their expansion throughout Aethos. Human settlements grew into towns and cities. The first human countries were founded, among them Mayvin, Garyk, and Yemisyrl. These nations evolved and changed through the years amid squabbles, conflicts, and wars.

  • 693 AS

    Reach Across the Sea

    In escaping from political escalations & also the desire of exploration, some humans began settlement in Elithisyer and northern Mornetharin.

  • 812 AS

    The Established

    Mayvin, Pyne, Estraini, Garyk, and Yemisyrl emerged as the human countries of Aethos.

  • 992 AS

    War of Aethos
    Military action

    After languishing in the Darklands for millennia, the Narylin of Vraythr lashed out with renewed strength with its aim at Mondorlyan. This army pressed through the lands of Garyk, murdering all in their wake. The call of war brought about a unified human army, which joined with elves and dwarves against the Vraythr threat.

  • 1001 AS

    War's End
    Military action

    Aethos was won. The alliance of Dwarves, Elves, and Humans held true and defeated the Vraythr army. The defeated force was once again pushed back to the Darklands. The country of Garyk became Aethos's guardian from Vraythr as they fortified their border.

6th Era – Dawn of Humanity

1002 AS to PRESENT

Humans dominate Aernoch.

  • 1002 AS

    Aethos Empire
    Political event

    The unified humans established the Aethos Empire, their first continent spanning alliance. This marked the new era. Yemisyrl remained independent. Human civilizations became prosperous under the banner of the Aethos Empire.

  • 1003 AS

    Imperial City Established
    Political event

    Mayvin being the prominent human country, it was only natural that its capital city Availin became the seat of power for the Empire. It was dubbed Imperial City.

  • 1004 AS

    The Order of Sytys Founded
    Political event

    Founded and sanctioned by the 1st Emperor, the Order of Sytys is a group of wizards, mostly human, that act as judges and enforce the law with emphasis in matters pertaining to magic within the Aethos Empire. They are keepers of knowledge and experts in the arcane.

    More reading
    The Order of Sytys
  • 1060 AS

    Prime Properties

    The Elithisyer settlements of the Celestial Valley and the Southlands thrived as trade with the Aethos Empire boomed. Humans became the largest and dominant species of Aernoch.

  • 1222 AS

    Marriage Spurned
    Political event

    Emperor Nevell Lamont marries his son to the daughter of a prominent family in Mornetharin. The Emperor had a previous arrangement set for his son to marry the governing family of Pyne. Pyne was insulted. The relationship between Mayvin & Pyne began to quickly decline.

  • 1226 AS

    Pyne Secedes
    Political event

    Pyne secedes from the Empire after the beheading of a beloved ship captain. Many hostilities at sea ensued between Pyne & the Empire.

  • 1228 AS

    Garyk Secedes
    Political event

    Without Pyne, the Empire began to lean on the region of Garyk. After the War of Aethos, it took the region a long time to recover, but it did in a great way and became very productive. Mayvin had done a poor job of becoming self-suficient as its population grew. The added strain on Garyk's resources began to negatively effect the people of Garyk while the demands of Mayvin were being met. Garyk left the Empire knowing it would thrive on its own.

  • 1235 AS

    The Empire Dissolves

    The once proud centerpiece of Humanity, Mayvin fractures and loses over half of its kingdom. The severing half divided into five provinces... Aspiren, Praugn, Noffgun, Hambur, and Jerrin. This event signifies the end of the Aethos Empire.

  • 1236 AS

    Estraini's Slow Response
    Political event

    Nearly a year after the Empire disbanded, the Estraini leadership delcared its independence. Its people had been unhappy with the delay for years and began to question their own leadership.

  • 1241 AS

    The Khard Dispute
    Military action

    Estraini moved to stake their claim of control over The River Khard. A standoff took place between Estraini and Garyk military forces as their diplomats discussed terms.

  • 1241 AS

    Battle for Zilvren City
    Military action

    A goblin army gains control of Zilvren City, the great dwarven city of Western Aethos on Garyk's border. The Dwarves call Garyk for aid, but most of Garyk's military is deployed to the border of Estraini. They send their remaining defensive troops from Rockmount along with volunteers from the city. The reformed Zilvren Army retook Zilvren and defeated the goblins.

    More reading
    Norda Broodfist
  • 1241 AS

    Estraini Divides

    Eastern Estraini had disapproved of the self-proclaimed "king" for some time and declared its independence. The country divided into Estren & Rainima. Estren retained the Estraini leadership, while Rainima became a People's Republic. The Estraini forces withdrew from the Khard Dispute in embarassment that their country failed during the standoff.

  • 1248 AS

    Praugn Pushes
    Military action

    Of the five provinces, Praugn was the home of Mayvin's military strength. In their independence, the aggressive province saw opportuniy to create their own mark on Aethos.

  • 1249 AS

    Praugn Expands
    Military action

    Praugn assimilated the final two provinces of Aspiren & Hambur. It also claimed the less wooded area of Lithos from the Elves in what was percieved as preparation for an attack on Availin City.

  • 1249 AS

    12 Ontung


    Aernoch continues to evolve, driven by the worlds of Humans, Elves, & Dwarves. What events lie on the horizon to mark the next era? Only time will tell.

    Additional timelines


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