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Born to loving parents Sylgen grew up on the island of Yaax Mak with many books and things to learn. Her parents taught her general skills from how to sail a boat, to hunting pteradons. But life would not remain happy for this follower of Suzaku. For before she was considered an adult her parents decided she could be better than she was and wished to graff other animal parts on her. And with that she ran from her home to the sea she loved and has never looked back. Once she left home she took a name more fitting to her and her personality; Misty.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and lithe with somewhat sharp features.

Body Features

She's blue and hairless

Facial Features

She has no ears and a flatish nose

Identifying Characteristics

she's blue

Physical quirks

She's Blue!

Special abilities

She is a tactician who studies the battlefield and analyzes her enamies for the most effective battle

Apparel & Accessories

Most of her clothes are sea worthy. She wears her science whites while wandering about town or for formal gatherings and otherwise wears her travel clothes as she battles monsters.

Specialized Equipment

She primarily uses her swords, and wit, but will used ranged weapons as well.

Mental characteristics


She is open to any personality that she finds attracted to. Though it has been observed she does have a type.


No formal education other than what her parents gave her.


Oceanic Anthropologist aboard the Ursala working for Digou Yanjui Xin (Imperial Research Heart) based in Zhen Londigou

Accomplishments & Achievements

She is working her way up through the guild and is now a project lead.

Failures & Embarrassments

There are others who have ascended faster than she when she deserved it, and while she takes these as personal failures, she knows it helps her growth in the long run.

Personality Characteristics


To perfect her mind and body and that of the world around her.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Oceans and dolphins. Dislikes: Mountains and deamons.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is knowledgeable and can adapt quickly to other races and cultures.

Vices & Personality flaws

Too interested in her studies, she often either misreads people or completely misses cues, opportunities, or other social experiences.   She will not backdown even if she is proved wrong once questioned.


As clean as she can be at any given time.  Living at sea, it's difficult to bathe in clean water, and travelling on roads one can hardly take the time.  But she cleans herself immaculately when she's able.


Contacts & Relations

She will have nothing to do with her parents. Otherwise her co-workers are her closest contacts.

Family Ties


Religious Views

She strongly believes in order and reducing chaos and thus follows Suzaku's teachings. As a Vedalken she strives for perfection even if she knows she can not reach it.

Social Aptitude

She is not overly socially aware. What she thinks is perfectly normal may be awkward to others.


She speaks a bit softly and has a slight lilt. Her tone may sound a little high handed, though she does not mean it to.

Misty fell in love with the sea at an early age and now sails it to learn its secrets. Recently, while on a mission, she met three strangers who are getting her wrapped up in a mystery.

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
Yaax Mak
Current Residence
The open sea
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
A lot, and is able to grasp rudimentary language skills in new places within a matter of one or two days.

Keeping Up Appearances

Due to circumstances being what they are, I have decided to stop writing my report to my superior and enter this information in my personal journal.   It would seem there is more to keeping up appearances than it would seem and not all of it is in disguises or polite society. Sometimes, it's just in a name, such as "Moniker." I thought Moniker was a member of my guild, as that was who I was working with. But today, Marisia told Reyna and Phil to contact a "dear friend" of hers who has connections, presumably also working within PAMA a female named Moniker.   I must remain calm and not jump to conclusions but if this is a "double agent whore" as they are calling her, and one who works specifically for a merchant fleet and perhaps one I used to know well and might address the letter as they did. Then, I shall need to meet this Moniker alone, though I feel Haku shall not like her. Depending on what she has to say for herself, I may let him have his way. First Mate's quarter's indeed.   I met "Mary" too who also wants to speak with me, which I think is odd and I feel there is more to her than meets the eye.   Meanwhile, the Princess allowed me too keep my dignity and Reyna helped with that, to which I'm grateful to her. She and Phil both delivered my letter to the Princess, but Reyna in particular accompanied me when the Princess wished to give a response. She asked what started it and while I hesitated, she saved the day diplomatically. When I chose her to come with me, she doubted herself, and yet, in a way, I knew the old "Wynbella" in her would come out, even if I was only hoping for a bit of the moral support.   And yet, her own multiple appearances would come back to haunt her. Rowan kept asking questions. Too many of them. He pushed Eldon and I to answer some about her while she was not present, which was odd. We refused saying it was between them. Then as we were at the inn thinking to have a nice peaceful drink prior to the festival, Rowan sat at our table and started interrogating Reyna. She turned the table on him though and got out of him that he brought the snake to Hyldom to pay his way. Seems she wasn't even raised by her own real father. Which was quite interesting. Thankfully, she didn't make a scene like last time. He did question her faith though.   His, it seemed, as well as his tranquil appearance was in question as we found there was far more under his surface, and the tree's. He's been doing a lot of magic right under everyone's nose. And just as the festival was in full swing, he disrupted it in a grand gesture by making the tree explode into a huge size. And he said he wasn't harming it. I would tend to disagree.

What Misty IS

Things Misty is NOT: A Spy A Murder Hobo, killer, assassin, etc. Paranoid Thirsty for every thing she sees A complete drunkard Anti-social     Things Misty is: A Guild Member of a Guild in Zhen Londigou Lawful good A Strategist A Fetishist for certain species An alcoholic? Socially awkward   Things to note: Misty will NEVER strike first unless it’s obvious it’s a badguy (i.e. a boss battle like the testicle monster). Though she may try to provoke it.   For instance the first undead dear they ran after, she hesitated to shoot until AFTER Eldon shot. With Lowell, while the DM thought she had hostile intentions towards Lowell and Onk, she was never going to raise a fist towards him until he attacked first.   With Calla, she really really wanted to hit her, but would not until Calla struck first. Misty tried to make Calla hit her with the last ditch effort of throwing the drink on her. Her intention was a bar fight, with the worst being a duel, and she NEVER wished to kill Calla.  

Of Jugs, Shafts, Stags, and Mayo.

I am not sure, but I do believe I missed a joke. But then they often go over my head. Eldon said something about mayonnaise when I examined the shaft and taught string of the longbow Bobby the proprietor of the Equipment Supply store was trying to sell. It was a decent enough bow and would fit my needs. Eldon was kind enough to settle the man down to a lower price as he also bought a book off the man.   Eldon went to another shop as I required arrows for my new bow, and for some strange reason the young woman reacted strangely when I asked about the shafts and if she had any mayo. I thought I understood the people of this town.   Finally, I went to find my new companions and there inside the oddities shop, Charlie had parked her new mechanical beast outside, once inside, it seemed there was some confusion over names and the value of a jug that obviously would be useful. Charlie though that for 22 gold, far less than what I bought my bow for, a jug that could magically produce clean water was not useful. Surely she had not been stuck at sea for weeks on end without clean water. I gladly paid the woman and got a gallon of yummy soy sauce for free. Who needs mayonnaise? Now, I only needed some seafood.   After this, we visited Mayor Emilia. I entered much humbler than the prior occasion. Julius was there, as we learned from Old Jim. He delivered the shipping manifest to the Mayor and was having a conversation with her. As he left I humbly asked him to apologize to Arthur. He was a tad confused and I didn't wish to clarify, but much to my horror, Wynbella boldly stepped in and said "It's a sex thing." He ran away embarrassed, the poor lad.   After our business with the Mayor concluded, thankfully with fewer mishaps, though I'm not sure what was in the cookies that Charlie consumed generously, we exited and was confronted by a large stag that stared us down. Wynbella seemed interested in it, especially after we noticed its wound. The wound bled, and yet left no trail despite its hooves leaving one. We chased it across the green and almost lost it in the fields when Eldon attacked it, Charlie hit it too and made it turn around. It bit her, deer don't do that and that solidified in my mind that was no ordinary dear and thus I let loose the first arrow from my new bow and hit it straight in the heart. It fell and upon a chance to investigate it, certainly it was undead but undead animals do not act like that did. Eldon went off to investigate further and Charlie followed. I stood in my own thoughts, but could not help overhearing Wynbella's soft mutterings. She almost was talking to herself, but... no it was definitely a two sided conversation, she answered someone. Velca?   I had little time to process this before Emilia stomped forward, stronger than I remember seeing her before and demanded we follow through on this investigation and backtrack where the deer came from and take the head of the abomination to the Duke. Suzaku save me, this was not the waves I had planned when I got off my boat.


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