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Misty fell in love with the sea at an early age and now sails it to learn its secrets. Recently, while on a mission, she met three strangers who are getting her wrapped up in a mystery.

May 4, 1287 AGL (After Great Light)
Mon 14th Feb 2022 05:04

Keeping Up Appearances

by Misty

Due to circumstances being what they are, I have decided to stop writing my report to my superior and enter this information in my personal journal.
It would seem there is more to keeping up appearances than it would seem and not all of it is in disguises or polite society. Sometimes, it's just in a name, such as "Moniker." I thought Moniker was a member of my guild, as that was who I was working with. But today, Marisia told Reyna and Phil to contact a "dear friend" of hers who has connections, presumably also working within PAMA a female named Moniker.
I must remain calm and not jump to conclusions but if this is a "double agent whore" as they are calling her, and one who works specifically for a merchant fleet and perhaps one I used to know well and might address the letter as they did. Then, I shall need to meet this Moniker alone, though I feel Haku shall not like her. Depending on what she has to say for herself, I may let him have his way. First Mate's quarter's indeed.
I met "Mary" too who also wants to speak with me, which I think is odd and I feel there is more to her than meets the eye.
Meanwhile, the Princess allowed me too keep my dignity and Reyna helped with that, to which I'm grateful to her. She and Phil both delivered my letter to the Princess, but Reyna in particular accompanied me when the Princess wished to give a response. She asked what started it and while I hesitated, she saved the day diplomatically. When I chose her to come with me, she doubted herself, and yet, in a way, I knew the old "Wynbella" in her would come out, even if I was only hoping for a bit of the moral support.
And yet, her own multiple appearances would come back to haunt her. Rowan kept asking questions. Too many of them. He pushed Eldon and I to answer some about her while she was not present, which was odd. We refused saying it was between them. Then as we were at the inn thinking to have a nice peaceful drink prior to the festival, Rowan sat at our table and started interrogating Reyna. She turned the table on him though and got out of him that he brought the snake to Hyldom to pay his way. Seems she wasn't even raised by her own real father. Which was quite interesting. Thankfully, she didn't make a scene like last time. He did question her faith though.
His, it seemed, as well as his tranquil appearance was in question as we found there was far more under his surface, and the tree's. He's been doing a lot of magic right under everyone's nose. And just as the festival was in full swing, he disrupted it in a grand gesture by making the tree explode into a huge size. And he said he wasn't harming it. I would tend to disagree.

Misty's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Of Jugs, Shafts, Stags, and Mayo.
    30 Aug 2021 06:07:58
  2. What Misty IS
    07 Feb 2022 07:33:40
  3. Keeping Up Appearances
    14 Feb 2022 05:04:06

The major events and journals in Misty's history, from the beginning to today.

Keeping Up Appearances

Due to circumstances being what they are, I have decided to stop writing my report to my superior and enter this information in my personal journal. It would seem there is more to keeping up appearances than it would seem and not all of it is in disgui...

05:04 pm - 14.02.2022

What Misty IS

Things Misty is NOT: A Spy A Murder Hobo, killer, assassin, etc. Paranoid Thirsty for every thing she sees A complete drunkard Anti-social Things Misty is: A Guild Member of a Guild in Zhen Londigou Lawful good A Strategist A Fetishist for ...

07:33 pm - 07.02.2022

Rishire is not the light and happy place we expected it to be.

May 4, 1287 AGL (After Great Light)

Okay, I was close, it was green dragons.

May 4, 1287 AGL (After Great Light)

A werewolf and an arch Druid, what next purple dragons?

May 2, 1287 AGL (After Great Light)

Of Jugs, Shafts, Stags, and Mayo.

I am not sure, but I do believe I missed a joke. But then they often go over my head. Eldon said something about mayonnaise when I examined the shaft and taught string of the longbow Bobby the proprietor of the Equipment Supply store was trying to sell....

05:45 pm - 30.08.2021

Some people do not understand what is best for their children and only care about their own feelings.

May 1, 1287 AGL (After Great Light)

This was a quiet little town, until three strangers came and stirred things up.

02:19 am - 23.06.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Misty.

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Other Characters by jdsandara