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A Page of The Infernal Litany

A page of vellum with burning lava writing that seems to ooze on the page. Looking too long at these infernal runes causes migraines and in some cases death.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Requirements: Magic User, Infernal (Script), Conjuration specialist   Effects depend on the page but require a DC22 Arcana check to decipher and utilise.   Attempting to scribe your own Infernal Litany page requires a DC20 Arcana check. On success roll 1d6 on scribing table (below) on fail PC is driven insane and becomes unplayable dying shortly after.  
1 You scribe a random page finishing the final penwork as your last sanity deteriorates (PC unplayable)
2-3 You scribe a random page from the Infernal Archive, DM decides its nature and subject
4-5 You scribe a relevant page from the Infernal Archive, PC decides subject DM decides nature
6 You scribe the intended page from the Infernal Archive, PC decides nature and subject


The Infernal Litany is a collection of assorted pages copied into the physical realm by those unfortunate enough to witness the Infernal Archive of Vaultaris. Written by rare individuals with powerful enough wills to both recall and write the information they witness without madness and infernal forces destroying them the Litany is entirely disjointed. No individual has ever succeeded in writing two consecutive pages and those pages that are written often include key parts of powerful rituals which by themselves allow the magical force to come into effect. These pages are thus often accompanied by notes from prior owners on their effects, or more often by the blood and bile of the former owners.
Item type
Book / Document

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