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Bardic magic is ancient and strange. It comes from old practices and tricks largely known by leaders of communities who themselves were storytellers. The magic is cruder and more unreliable than that of other spell casters but when mastered it is just as powerful. Bardic magic comes not from the words themselves that are used but from tones and gestures that ignite the Arcanum within and around the bard into action.   Bards know Arcan for its effect, mostly learning subtleties of the script in tonal inclinations and shifts that allow for effects that cause an effect. Oftentimes bards utilize instruments within which are runic inscriptions that allow for a more consistent magical result.   Following the restriction and criminalisation of unauthorised magic in the empire bards were viewed with uncertainty and distrust by the clergy. Many bards continued practicing in secret and were tolerated where their tricks remained illusory figures narrating their stories but even those practitioners were at risk from accusations of enchantment that would quickly have the bard put to death. Several bardic guilds formed in the empire under the authority of the church to teach the style allowing their members to enjoy writs albeit under greater regulation of acceptable behaviour.

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