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Black Wolf Mercenary Company



The Black Wolf Company averaged around two hundred soldiers who were subdivided into four groups of fifty soldiers. Dependent on the size of the job and the needs of the employer Black Wolves would call anywhere between one and all four of these groups into battle with the unused forces completing other jobs or engaging in general training in the territory of the employer in the event reinforcements are needed.    An additional fifty or so support forces were also employed by the company to manage the maintenance and needs of the soldiers and animals of the company. These support groups divide themselves among the military forces as needed but are not brought onto the field of battle unless absolutely necessary as ranged support infantry.


Black Wolves were on recruitment given a padded gambeson and either a shield with sword, axe or spear or a short bow. Soldiers were allowed to wear any comparatively better armour or weaponry they acquired themselves so long as it could be word underneath the pale grey tabard that bore the sigil of the company.    Experienced soldiers were rewarded with horses and added to the Black Wolves Cavalry regiment where proven worthy but beside the command and this regiment the common soldiers travelled exclusively by foot.


1 x Captain: Oversees the entire company   4 x Lieutenants: Oversees two sergeants and forty footmen or horsemen   8 x Sergeants: Oversees twenty footmen or horsemen   1 x Quartermaster: Oversees five stewards   5 x Steward: Oversees ten attendant staff (inc. Smiths, Animal Caretakers, Accountants, Cooks, etc.)


The Black Wolves tended to act as a supportive force to follow the chosen tactics of the hiring nobleman. Where given a choice themselves they tend to favour a strong defensive line supported by skirmishing archers who lock the approaching force in place with a shield wall. Cavalry then descends on the flank of the attacking force and the wall breaks to allow a charge from the footmen breaking the enemy lines.    Black Wolves do however have a reputation for doing 'what needs doing' sometimes lacking honour in their battle tactics where not given clear guidance on the desires of the employer. Rumours have also long circulated of their willingness to torture captive for information with several particularly ruthless stories causing a fearsome reputation that strikes fear in those that go against the Black Wolf Sigil.


Black Wolves are trained by their sergeants in basic warfare. This includes a large amount of target practice with archery, close quarters combat sparing under the gaze of their sergeant who acts as instructor and endurance training from taking hits both on shields but also their own form. Sergeants also receive training in beast management with each being assigned a tamed black wolf as a pet to both mark their rank and aid them in battle and silencing dissent.    Before a job the training shifts towards the specifics of the task before them. Where this occurs details are passed down and the company begins specific training regiments in preparation for the job be it of a specific formation, strategy or fighting style.



The Black Wolves charge:
  • 10gp per day for each of the infantry platoons
  • 25gp per day for the cavalry platoons
  • 50gp per day for the entire company


Black Wolves regularly seek new recruits and put on small local tourneys to find new members with an applicant being required to defeat another three other foes in order to be accepted to their ranks. This step can be bypassed if the applicant has a reference from a sergeant or higher within the Wolves but they will still be expected to defeat one other person in combat before their first pay check.


The Black Wolf Mercenary Company or Black Wolves existed during the mythic age in Teremia. Saddam Lind, a member of the household guard and healer to Merric, Raz and Kanuna, served in the Black Wolves during his youth.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Ranks & Titles

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