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Fighters are masters of martial combat often proficient in several weapons and serving as the heart of any army. Fighters are the most trusted adventurer path without the need for moral questions raised by magic or the theological divides over divine power.



Fighters are often veterans of war or merely those who are well proven in the training grounds of Aesalian society. Opportunities to learn martial skills are rampant in the land and those who prove themselves early are often afforded opportunities and equipment to harden their skills by those seeking to utilize their talents.

Career Progression

Eldritch Knights & Arcane Archers   The magic of Eldritch Knights and Arcane Archers comes from the same path as that of wizards and is largely of abjuration and evocation. The majority of these practitioners in Falarin are in service to the clergy as templars or Crow Knights and use their skills to hunt down rogue magi. Many chivalric orders also employ these magical tricks to enhance their abilities and offer them advantages in battle.   Following the restriction and criminalisation of unauthorised magic in the empire only those practitioners in service of the clergy were allowed to continue their practice with other practitioners being considered akin to rogue magi and in breach of the law.   These practitioners often understand simple Arcan to concern the spells they learn but lack a more complex and nuanced understanding of the language.   Psi Warrior   Often 'awakening' in the corners of the world Psi Warriors are as rare as psionics itself. Those who master this art of battle are feared and marveled for their skills which often lead their opponents baffled and paralyzed in wonderment and confusion. Many of those who follow this path recount encounters with Mind Flayers or Aboleths who awakened their minds in their efforts to scry and feed of them but those lucky few instead cite mysterious masters who offered them the gift.   Following the restriction and criminalisation of unauthorised magic in the empire Psi Warriors were considered apostates in service of the Forgotten One and persecuted by the church. Scholarly circles eagerly sought such figures out however to understand the power that lay within the minds of the mer in hopes of unlocking it for themselves.   Rune Knight   The weapons and skills of Rune Knights are common among Dwarves and Elves but rare in other species whose practitioners oft rely on etchings and equipment passed down by their ancestors. Rune Knights channel the magic etched in their armour and weapons to enhance their natural abilities and are often admired as great heroes. Those Rune Knights who escribe their own runes do so with the Arcan language their understanding of which defines the runes they are able to carve.   Following the restriction and criminalisation of unauthorised magic in the empire the possession of magical artifacts and equipment such as armour and swords was not prohibited and several knightly orders emerged using the practice of Rune Knights. Treading a legal grey there were times that the clergy persecuted Rune Knights considered to be using their magic items to conceal a real use of magic though the success of these persecutions varied greatly and oft depended on the position of the knight within Falaran society.   Champion   Champions are heroes of the people and focus their powers on raising the morale of those around them and showing the best of what their species can be not needing to tap into any elemental, magical or other such power to enhance themselves. Champions are common in all societies and often take form as their heroes and adored warriors over any others that exist around them.   Battle Master   Master tacticians are named battle masters e it from war games or wars themselves. Battle Masters are known for their calm approach to situations studying every facet before making a move which always strikes with purpose. Battle Masters are sought after by rulers to lead their armies and peasants to lead their rebellions and can be found in all societies. Battle Masters appear the most where war is considered akin to an art form and the study of it no different to the study of dance.   Cavalier   Mounted knights of great renown are named Cavaliers and recognised above all others. Common in chivalric societies and nomad tribes alike the Cavalier often form knightly orders with others of their craft. Where they fight they are renown and feared striking hard and fast and near impossible to separate from their loyal steeds.   Samurai   Trained amidst codes of conduct and decency the Samurai are knights like no other. Their word is their bond and their code extends beyond the battlefield to how they act in courts and among commoners. Tortle knights most often subscribe to such codes where they are known for their majesty and skill that is unlike any others and those who observe them fight often speak for decades of the artistry and beauty of the battle.

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