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The Frontiersmen are a resistance organisation formed by General Samuel Cimber in the Frontier of the Falaran Empire. Emerging in the Third Age the Frontiersmen were born from natives of the Frontier who had grown a distinct identity separate to those in the mainland of Falarin. Resenting the control of their livelihoods by an Emperor that had not even visited their lands the Frontiersmen waged a guerrilla war culminating in an open battle for independence in the Frontier Rebellion.   During the war the Frontiersmen reorganised into the Republic of Central Magarin and fought a noble campaign against the vastly superior Empire with the initially secret backing of the Golden City. The Frontiersmen, now Army of the Republic, fought for six years before being annexed by the Golden City within the wider Last War. The Frontiersmen continued a guerrilla war against the Golden City and Falaran Empire as the war continued though their attacks gradually became less and less common as their numbers faltered.   By the end of the war the Frontiersmen and any hope of independence had been eradicated leaving the rebel group a passing idea that existed only in history books and the hearts of dissident citizens of the united Magaran Empire.


The Frontiersmen were led by General Samuel Cimber but their organisation changed greatly between their period of open and closed warfare.    Before the Frontier Rebellion three Colonels existed operating the guerrilla warfare, secret organisation of the conventional army and preparation of unconventional weapons of war for the Frontier. Each colonel operated a number of secret cells across the Frontier travelling between them discretely in preparation for the battle with little communication between each cell.    During the The Frontier Rebellion each state was assigned a Colonels who oversaw the state's defence with the three former colonel becoming migratory advisors to assist efforts in each of the state's as needed. The armies of the states were organised in the same way as the Imperial Army with several regiments defecting to the Republic of Central Magarin following the outbreak of war and many citizens of the Frontier joining up shortly thereafter.

Public Agenda

The Frontiersmen held generally united views that were often misrepresented by the wider media due to intervention by the Falaran Empire. The key tenants of their belief were:
  • Power should rest locally to those it most directly effects
  • All individuals are born equal and should rise or fall by their own merit and labour
  • Government must be accountable to all its people or fall by all of them


The Frontiersmen were funded and supported through wealthy citizens within the Frontier including some of noble descent who agreed with their beliefs. A significant portion of their funds and resources however came from the Golden City who saw the organisation as a means to weaken their main geopolitical rival from within.

Fight For Your Home

3E - 2661 - 3E-2691

Illicit, Rebel
Alternative Names
Army of the Republic
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization

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