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Within the Ozhkov Syndicate and some Morillisean, and other necromantic, communities on the death of a powerful member of society or request of a ghost it may be bound to a human form usually a baby or infant. The result is the Kalashtar whose dual mind is made of their own personality and that of the ghost within them which they struggle to differentiate between. Kalashtar are haunted by the memories of their past but are given unique abilities tied to the foothold they have in the ethereal plane allowing them to become powerful spellcasters or cunning warriors.

Basic Information


Kalashtar can be any prior species before their binding but rarely do any natural traits take a position of superiority over the effect that a spirit bound to ones form can have. As such the Kalashtar take a range of forms and appearances but can often be spotted due to their eyes being a clearer shade and their hair often turning white earlier if not from birth.

Genetics and Reproduction

Kalashtar are created through a complex ritual that binds a ghost to an unborn baby. With the target's soul still weak the imprinted soul is able to impose itself safely, potentially taking complete control in some circumstances. The ritual is a complex process that is difficult to complete and harder still to find but does not require a great deal more than the host of the to-be-imprinted-soul and a large amount of arcanum to enact.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kalashtar's ghostly bond grants them certain immunities and resistances particularly to those abilities that would effect their mind. Their ghostly pair acts as an extra shield against such effects repelling assaults on the mind. The inability of Kalashtar to experience dreams as other species, instead living through memories of their ghostly pairing, they are also protected against all but the most powerful spells that effect dreamers.   The bond between the souls also enhances certain psionic abilities within the Kalashtar allowing them to communicate telepathically with others. This is heard by their ghostly form and their ghost can also perform such an ability without their knowledge.
Scientific Name
Sovok Aeqe Neytag

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