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Mist Talisman

Mist Talisman are objects allowing someone to transport themselves and those around them to its connected Dread Plane. Each Talisman is different in appearance merely needing to be an object from its birth Plane to be formed.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

As a ritual a talisman can be used to transport up to a radius of 30ft of people into its connected domain of dread.   The ritual will depend on the talisman but include:   Somatic: The Talisman must be primed through an action of its choosing Verbal: The Talisman must be primed through the use of its command words Material: The Talisman itself   E.g. As the ritual progresses you undergo the priming of the talisman. Uttering the command words “Lady, Lady, Let me in, Lady, Lady, My swarm begins…” over and over the bottle begins to fill with a strange misty substance. At last when it is full and ready to burst you uncork the bottle slowly pouring out a thick mist that surrounds you by some 30ft radius. As it slowly rises higher and higher you find yourself quite unable to see your companions of any other and the mist begins to shift until the scurrying of rats by your feet becomes clear. Moving yourself in fear of being nipped you shift forward finding yourself beyond the mists in a quite different place…

Manufacturing process

Creating a talisman can also be done with a Ritual and a 7th Level Spell Slot. The Dread Lord is aware of the ritual as well as its exact location and the identity of the talisman being used but cannot stop it simply by will.


Mist talismans have existed since the earliest days of Barovia but have grown since the defeat of Count Strahd Von Zarovich. As the dark powers were released from the land and more Dread Planes came into being the talismans have become means to enter and leave the various domains teleporting across huge distances in mere seconds.
Item type

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