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Often misunderstood sorcerers have an irregularity in their innate arcanum either due to it being too abundant at birth or otherwise impacted by an event during their life. These often persecuted, feared or revered spellcasters find magic easier than others due to their bodies natural command over it but similarly can be easily overwhelmed and lose control if not properly prepared. Due to these many sorcerers live secretive lives due to their gift or develop exceptional arrogance over their peers for their abilities.    Many magical schools work hard to seek out sorcerers who often provide an easier means to decipher secrets of the arcane, assist in complex rituals or push the limitations of known magic.    Sorcerers experience Arcan less as a dialogue than an experience. For them the rune, term or idea is a sensory effect or experience that resonates within them. Some sorcerers also learn Arcan as wizards do though many go their whole life knowing it only in this sensory instinctive manner. Following the restriction and criminalisation of unauthorised magic in the empire provisions were made to round up sorcerers for a mandatory life in the churches magical schools. Sorcerers who did not wish such a life became increasingly isolated and, where lucky, were found by the Commune of Traveling Magi instead of the clergy themselves who put rogue sorcerers to death. Those sorcerers who developed their abilities later in life were not exempt from this and were by law given up to a year to hand themselves over to the clergy before they were considered an enemy of the church.


Career Progression

Arcane Bloodline   Sorcerers of strongly magical bloodlines experience particular prowess in their powers with more arcanum in their blood allowing them the enhanced abilities of the sorcerer over a mere wizard. Many bloodlines of aesalian history have sought such power forging many powerful sorcerers through selective breeding. During the prohibition many of these bloodlines died out or were forced into secrecy or exile to continue their pursuit of the perfect magical form.   Wild Magic   'Wild Sorcerers' come from all manner of outcomes. Some are regular mer exposed either in life, or the womb, to areas of high magical potency or other such effects others are those destined of strong arcane bloodlines whose gestation was marked by particular trauma or intervention that led to disturbances. In any case 'Wild Sorcerers' are unpredictable entities whose spellcasting can as easily destroy a town as save it. During the prohibition these casters were closely regulated and often ended up being executed for the safety of society following horrible accidents or miscasts in their education.   'Divine' Soul   In a similar manner to the ritual forming a Kalashtar, some powerful conjurers have bind spirits from other realms to the bodies of young children, or at times adults. Upon its binding the confused foreign being is forced into something of a 'backseat' in the sorcerers soul playing the role of an imaginary friend or backing voice for their life. It is however also a source of powerful magic acting as a conduit through which the mer soul can wield the power of its host realm. The madness brought about by such beings however means those of a 'divine' soul often struggle with their grip of reality and their desires in the world ultimately adopting some degree of their 'guests' beliefs and convictions.   Following the restriction and criminalisation of unauthorised magic in the empire the ritual to create 'divine' soul sorcerers was strictly prohibited with known texts describing the process being confiscated or destroyed. Foreign magi and small cults continued to perform the ritual however much to the ire and threat of the church   Shadow Magic / Shadowkin   Those who risk even a brief passing through the Shadowfell Isle run the risk of their very nature being changed to become Shadowkin. These altered beings are able to perform incredible magical feats through the channeling of their innate altered arcanum but can easily lose control and become a ruthless threat to others. Only the native Shadar-Kai seem immune to this form of corruption but instead are able to naturally use Shadow Magic as they wish.   Storm Sorcery   Sailors across Aesalia speak of Storm Sorcerers as legendary champions of Typhis. Born from drowning amidst horrific storms these sorceress awaken on nearby shores forever changed by the experience. They are chosen by Typh to be his priests and often operate small churches in port towns dedicated to the god of tempests.    The communities that possess Storm Sorcerers are often willing to fight fiercely to protect them fearing the wrath of Typhis if his chosen are threatened leading to the church often turning a blind eye to such fanatic preachers during the prohibition. The Grismaut Isles of Falarin were particularly rife with these clergy who were revered as highly as Tatham's own priests.   Aberrant Mind   Often 'awakening' in the corners of the world sorcerers of the aberrant mind are the most common expressions of psionic power. Those who master this magical school are feared and marveled for their skills which often lead their opponents baffled and paralyzed in wonderment and confusion. Many of those who follow this path recount encounters with Mind Flayers or Aboleths who awakened their minds in their efforts to scry and feed of them but those lucky few instead cite mysterious masters who offered them the gift.   Following the restriction and criminalisation of unauthorised magic in the empire psionic sorcerers were considered apostates in service of the Forgotten One and persecuted by the church. Scholarly circles eagerly sought such figures out however to understand the power that lay within the minds of the mer in hopes of unlocking it for themselves.   Clockwork Soul   While the study and creation of golems is a complex and challenging magical process the most proficient craftsmen are able to go further than even the warforged marvels and create those possessing a clockwork soul. These entities possess complex inner working cogs and mechanisms that allow them to channel arcanum from the surroundings as if it ran through their blood, in essence creating a facsimile of real organic life. These spellcasters are considered marvels of technology and, due to their status, are technically excluded from the laws regarding the use of magic. There discovery however has often heralded a capture and study by the church's wizards to expand their own understanding of these complex masterpieces.

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