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Hidden Blades Strike Deepest



The Stonesnakes tend to maintain their numbers at around fifty soldiers. This includes a Captain, two lieutenants, four sergeants, a quartermaster, two stewards and forty footmen. The company travels as a full group often moving towards known wars to ply their trade unless already on an assignment. Where there is little work the group seeks out a troubled area where the Captain takes residence in the town and divides the surrounding area between the lieutenants whose sergeants then take ten men to do assorted small jobs.


Stonesnakes wear light armour often of leather with few metal attachments. Armour is dyed in a dark or sandy brown and while they do not sew their sigil onto their attire all Stonesnakes wear a copper wring on the inside of which is etched 'Hidden Blades Strike Deepest'.    For weapons Stonesnakes are trained in close range and long distance warfare and are expected to have a ranged weapon and melee weapon of choice as well as a torch on their person at all times. Most Stonesnakes claim their own weaponry after their first few jobs to better suit their needs and there is no requirement to follow a specific standard of weapon so long as the wielder is competent in its use.    The quartermaster is responsible for the management of the soldiers equipment and usually keeps a stock of short swords, short bows and leather armour for new recruits to take on.


Stonesnakes avoid using horses where possible with the Captain often acquiring them as needed from local farmers and merchants and returning them after the task is complete. Stonesnakes are expected to carry everything they need on their person with surplus supplies being left at safehouses during missions and reacquired after.


1 x Captain: Oversees the entire company   2 x Lieutenant: Each oversees two sergeants and twenty footmen   4 x Sergeant: Oversees ten footmen   1 x Quartermaster: Oversees two stewards


The Stonesnakes are specialized mercenaries who specialize in infiltration and spreading chaos during sieges. Stonesnakes do this both by sneaking into settlements before the siege begins and laying low until the attackers launch an assault or by investigating the local area for secret passages in which they navigate to take the hold.    Stonesnakes tend to use fire to cause disruption and chaos within a hold before moving to take a pre-determined fortification that hinders or disrupts the defensive effort such as the keep or a gate.


Stonesnakes train each day in skills of stealth, archery, close quarters combat and basic athletics. At least once a month Stonesnakes are made to climb the face of a wall or mountain to practice their skills and regularly at night one squad will be tasked to steal an item protected by another. These inward challenges create friendly rivalries between the squads which push them to work harder to develop their skills. Those who bring rivalries into the heat of battle are punished severely often before their termination from the company without pay.



The Stonesnakes charge 20gp a day for their services as a base rate with extra charges emerging in exceptionally dangerous circumstances.   The Stonesnakes usually manage their own food and maintenance but it is expected that an army that hires the company will assist in these matters.


Stonesnakes primarily recruit from former soldiers and use a series of trials to determine those who are eligible. When they need to recruit new footmen the group sets up near several towns and invites known veterans to join their group. Applicants must demonstrate their stealth, athletics, archery and close combat skills before they are put into small groups and given a simulated task to complete. Here the leadership of the organisation observes how they work in a group and looks for leadership potential. If accepted a sign up fee of 10gp is given to the applicants family, if one exists, or the applicant themselves if not and they are given two days to make their farewells and ready to depart.


The Stonesnakes were a mercenary company that existed in Teremia during the mythic age. During his youth Ojek, the leader of Merric, Raz and Kanuna's household guard, served with the Stonesnakes until a mission turned sour.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Ranks & Titles

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