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The Church of The Many

Worshiped largely in the Golden City the God of Many emerged as a conjunction of the other faiths and ideas that entered the city. Priests of the God of Many believe there is only one supreme god who takes on different forms to teach his many different lessons. They believe that only by looking at all holy texts and incarnations is it possible to find truth. Worshipers of the God of Many are often known collectively as ‘the few’ and can easily blend into societies that view them as worshipers of the native faith not realising their more holistic view.


Worship of the God of the Many is often done at the temples of the Church of the Many. These temples are designed 'half-finished' with additional completion occurring as those within develop a deeper and greater understanding of the nature of the cosmos. Beneath temples are large libraries of holy texts and theses on the matter which are hidden from common view by all but the priests of the temple who are expected to be able to recite the learning within them to any who come posing riddles and queries to coax a deeper worldly understanding from those who come before them.
Religious, Holy Order

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