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The Stormlands

The 'afterlife' of Typhis the Stormlands are a place of chaos and calamity where the forces of nature operate unchallegned and without oversight raging fiercely against ever rising mimicries of existence and life. Worshipers of Typhis are said to be taken to this place of hardship after their passing where they can test their skills against the hardness of life and, if legends are to be believed, find within the storms an ancient temple to the storm god where Typhis himself will greet the worshiper and grant them anything they desire.    Once the audience is finished the soul can remain in the Stormlands eternally or depart when ready to the void to be reborn anew. Alternatively if the worshiper fails to reach the temple and is destroyed by the plane their soul is sent forth into the void anyhow ready to be remade and perhaps try their luck at a later time.
Dimensional plane

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