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A rarer form of Lycanthrope werebats tend to exist in small tight knit groups and live nocturnal lives. Within their communities Werebats consider their gift a blessing, often viewing it as an honoured bloodline whose rarity grants it supreme value. They tend to use their bat forms and generally enhanced hearing to spy on others selling their secrets to the highest bidder. Yet with this enhanced hearing also comes a high sense of natural paranoia and werebats often believe the worst in others.    In hostile situations werebats prefer to flee and find a new roost unless it can be overcome through means such as poison where the werebats themselves are not at risk. These situations rarely occur however, the roost of a werebat is often hidden away in the attic of an abandoned manor or similarly grand and dark structure whilst their business dealings are done far away in corners that others cannot easily trace. Discovery of werebats is also aided by common belief that they are in fact vampires and not lycanthropes causing their would-be hunters to look for all the wrong clues.   Werebats possess echolocation and flight in their hybrid and bat forms as well as enhanced night vision in all of their forms. As mer they have enhanced hearing and tend to appear more gaunt, angular and squat in form than others.

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