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Peltasts are a group of mercenaries who are trained and led by the Aros monarchy. They fight for other nations, and a big part of their pay goes to the city of Aros . They undergo rigorous training, both mentally and physically.  


  Peltasts are chosen from the citizens of Aros , who all receive military training when young. The best and brightest young soldiers are sent to a hidden fortress called Fort Ypakoi. There, they cut all ties to their former families and friends, and form a new bond. A bond among warriors with one goal: become the best fighters in Aeseron, and further the goals of Aros .   The young aspiring peltasts undergo rigorous, extreme training, much of which is still a state secret, guarded very closely. What is known is that, at the end of their training, the young warriors are stripped of everything but a spear, and sent out into the wild. They must make an impressive enough kill to be considered for graduation. This final exam is known as the Dokimes.  


  Obviously, the top leadership is the Arosian king, but within the peltasts there is a hierarchy as well. Peltasts can rise in rank within the organisation. The ranks are as followed:   
  • Third Knife
  • Second Knife 
  • First Knife
  • Third Blade
  • Second Blade 
  • First Blade 
  • Third Spear 
  • Second Spear 
  • First Spear
  • A young peltast
    Guild, Fighter / Mercenary


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