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Kōun'na Koneko Asukano Musume Hinoko Kettō


Kōun'na Koneko Asukano Musume Hinoko Kettō, Daughter of Asuka and Hiroshi Kettō, (幸運な 『黒』血統) blessed child of the sun; who generally goes by the name Kuro, is a woman in her early twenties who is most easily recognized by her black cat ears and a black cat tail, and one of the party members of the Rising Flight. One might be forgiven for calling her the leader, her noble lineage and tendency to head towards action generally marking her as one of the first to act, but few actually would label her responsible for making the decisions, herself included, and when it comes to the harder decisions in which a course of action is not immediately apparent, Kuro generally will make her opinion known, but will prefer to go with the majority opinion.  


Kōun'na is from the main branch of the Ketto Family line, a noble family whose eldest daughters were born with ears and tails similar to hers. Kōun'na's mother, Auksa Amaiko Idoriko Musume Hinoko Kettō, was generally a mischievous in her younger years, but being a mother has calmed her more impulsive behaviors, in front of the children and her husband, Hiroshi Ryuko Idoriko Mushiki Hinoko Kettō. In Kōun'na's younger years, Asuka taught young Kōun'na the piano, while her father and the family nanny taught her etiquette and conduct as a young heiress. She had an older brother Kibo Kettō, and multiple younger sisters, the oldest of which was Asami Hanako Asukano Musume Kettō. 

The Cat's Cradle Massacre

 One night when Kuro was eleven, the family estate was attacked. The assailants were a splinter faction of the Bastion of Aeons, the Burning Dawn, who had sought out the family due to information they had had about the family's connection to a cult. The family, helplessly outmatched, was quickly dispatched, and the estate was burned. Kōun'na escaped with her borhter Kibo, but the two were soon separated when Kibo went back to try to get the others. Kuro quickly found herself the only one able to escape due to both her brother's help and the assistance of the estate staff. and soon found herself alone. Unbeknownst to Kōun'na, those that had survived the attack went to the Bastion of Aeons for aid, including her brother.

Time in the Syndicate

 Due to some unknown circumstances, one of the first people to stumble upon the scared Kuro was a member of the syndicate, who jokingly gave her the name whiskers, as to him, that was the only cat-like aspect she lacked. He took her before Second, who immediately recognized her nobility and set her up with a foster family in an instrument shop. The syndicate offered her a place to belong and meet others her age, and in return she became a courier for the Syndicate's messages. Second kept referring to her as whiskers, but also gave her the name "Kuro" for Syndicate business, as the name whiskers might be a little too identifying for her. Under this tutelage, she spend her teenage years, until 24, when she met up with the remnants of a traveling troupe. Seeing it as an opportunity to leave the city, she set out with this group to explore Drayth in general.  

Two Reunions 

After receiving aid from an agent of the Bastion in order to hide the Rising Flight from their various enemies, Kuro, with her group, went to confront the Bastion and gain answers about what had happened. While there, the new leader of the Bastion, Lord Captain Commander Kima, informed the group that the perpetrators of the Cat's Cradle Massacre was the Burning Dawn, a splinter faction of the Bastion of the Aeons. Furthermore, Kuro was told that her brother still lived. He, however, was at away from the tower, but that she would have the perfect opportunity to meet him again    After parleying for a truce between the Ketto family and the Bastion, the group went off to Evansgrove for a mission for the Bastion. There, Kuro reunited with her brother, as well as her brother's new partner, Radhi. After exchanging well-wishes at the inn, the group helped her brother on his mission, which resulted in another reunion.    While attempting to find a way to infiltrate the Evansgrove wizard's tower, Kuro came across Ryu Arashi, a former acquaintance of his and Kuro's betrothed. Ryu provided the assistance the group needed to get into the tower and Kuro parted ways from the two, with assurances that they would meet again.   



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