Dragons of Aesor

The Dragons of Aesor are the direct descendants of the Scionic bloodline, the godly draconic beings of the Myst. Unlike their progenitors who were of pure Radiance and Shadow, the Dragons are creations of the Five Elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Lightning). Their personalities mirror their lineage, yet their powers and capabilities are completely different, being the elemental powers they inherited from Kalzamaath.   Considered the first children of Aesor, the Dragons have long harbored a belief, strangely yet still endorsed by the Abbey of the Óhin, asserting their supremacy over the realm. While the Prophecy of Kalzamaath never explicitly advocated for draconic dominion, the Dragons interpret it as validation for their rule. This contentious claim has sparked an enduring debate among scholars and historians, with many academics advocating for equality among all creations of Kalzamaath, disagreeing with a Draconic rule over Aesor completely.  

The First Draconic Empire

  Following their birth, which mirrored Kalzamaath's emergence as fully formed adults, the Dragons grappled with discord and chaos for a decade. Initially disinclined toward servitude akin to the Scions, most Dragons defied Kalzamaath's guidance at first. However, after this short yet chaotic period of 10 years, a Dragon, forced by dire circumstances, resorted to violence, culminating in the slaying of several of his kin. This act, undertaken by Aocnoryt, proved to be a historical moment, heralding unity and prosperity among the Dragons, aligning with Kalzamaath's intentions. Under the leadership of Aocnoryt, the extraordinary Dragon bestowed with mastery over Lightning, the First Draconic Empire was founded. Aocnoryt, assuming the mantle of Paragon, in Draconic meaning "Greater Being". A title that originated from the word "Idolon", which means the "Greatest Being" (the name of the "race" of the three creators of the Myst, the three Idolons: Haeis, Vals and Third).  


  Aesor was under Aocnoryt's rule until the end of the Wyrm Wars, which, proved to be the breeding ground of a very strange situation. The First Draconic Empire was still considered the supreme power that owned Aesor, yet the Empire gradually started wearing off their expansionist ideals, and for some reason they started holing up in the relatively tiny island of Aepollum, where they isolated themselves from the rest of the world for the next more than 700 years.   No mortal ever knew what was happening on Aepollum, no one was let inside or allowed to even approach the Isle of Dragons. Not a single soul knows what happened to Aocnoryt and his great empire, but what was clear, is that the Dragons seemed careless of Aesor and the future of the mortal races that they allegedly birthed and taught with the Óhin's help. By the mid of the Dawn of Creation's era, the Dragons disappeared and were not seen again for many centuries.    

The Dragonfall

  During the Rage of Fates, the landscape of Aesor bore witness to a world-impacting catastrophe in the Year 833, a calamity known as Dragonfall. This event etched itself into Aesor's history, characterized by a spectacle that left mortals staring and disoriented—the sky teeming with Dragons descending in a chaotic disarray.   Field reports chronicled the Dragons' inexplicable descent from the skies, rendering them unconscious for variable durations, only to awaken as aggressive, predatory beasts. Unleashing all might and violence upon those who crossed their path, the awakened Dragons wrought devastation before taking flight into unknown directions.   Dragonfall heralded an era of catastrophic change for the Dragons of Aesor. It led to a bewildering transformation of their once-majestic beings, prompting the rise of the three distinct sub-races, Dracary Aria and the Paragons.  

The Dracary

  The aftermath of the Dragonfall curse as academics like to call it, impacting nearly 90% of the Dragons, plunged them into a chaotic descent into the realm of primal instincts. Transmuted into Dracary, formerly mighty Dragons reduced to feral, beast-like creatures still possessing their elemental powers but stripped of their former might, marcritic capabilities, imposing size and outstanding intellect. Amidst this transformation, the Dracary evolved into apex predators, establishing nests and adopting an existence akin to instinct-driven Beasts.  

The Aria

  Contrary to the Dracary's descent into primal existence, an ominous transformation befell nearly 9% of the Dragons—giving rise to the Aria. According to the academic speculations, the Aria are infused with echoes of Vals' corruption, and thus these malevolent beings became a fusion of chaos, shadow, and corrupted powers akin to the dreaded Scions of Vals. The Aria stood as harbingers of terror and destruction, retaining their formidable intellect, and augmented abilities, including the manipulation of Vals’ corruption. These entities, feared as the voices of Vals on Aesor, to this day, pose an imminent threat to Kalzamaath's legacy and the harmony of Aesor, actively pursuing the annihilation of mortal beings.  

The Paragons

  In contrast to the overwhelming transformation that afflicted their brethren, a minuscule fraction—approximately 1%—endured the catastrophe that precipitated Dragonfall, transcending it almost unscathed. These resilient survivors, known as the Paragons (named after Aocnoryt’s own title), retained their mental acuity, reminiscent of the old order of Dragons pre-Dragonfall. Furthermore, the Paragons underwent an inexplicable change, emerging not just stronger but also possessing newfound marcritic powers and wisdom.   The Five Paragons of Aepollum emerged from the ruins of the Dragonfall, each representing a distinct elemental essence, they wield formidable powers, holding sway over Fire, Air, Water, Earth, and Lightning. However, the true extent of their influence and existence remains a mystery, with theories rife about the potential presence of more such Paragons yet to be revealed.    

The Five Paragons of Aepollum:

  1. Nrexus-Cri (Paragon of Fire)
  2. Moeyr-Nos (Paragon of Air)
  3. Nyphela-Ar (Paragon of Water)
  4. Izadeus-At (Paragon of Earth)
  5. Aoter-Ha (Paragon of Lightning)

Post-Dragonfall, the fate of the Dracary

  For the next 441 years (post-Dragonfall), the Dracary have went through a lot of drastic changes in their evolution. Not just a change in their numbers, thanks to the many years of terror by the hands of the Dragonhunters, but a change in appearance, mentality and way of life.   From noble-blood Dragons, the Dracary have become the bestial yet half-sentient, colorful, diverse mutations of their kind. Over more than four centuries later, the majority of the Dracary had mutated into something different, something more akin to the elements and their characteristics, a lot different to what Kalzamaath and those of the pure Scionic bloodline originally looked like. These Dracary are what we more specifically know today as the Neru-Dracary, though the term is mostly only used among academics to differentiate the old and the new Dracary.   Speculated by academics, the Neru-Dracary's strange evolution (that made them so disconnected from their origins) stemmed from the severance of their link to Arizen and Kyro's legacy—the source of Radiance and Shadow on Aesor and what produces the Shattered Light. With the only active theory, that the Shattered Light's battle no longer flows within them, these creatures instinctively delved into the core source that defined their existence—the Elements. Faced with the absence of Kyro and Arizen's legacy, the Neru-Dracary body and soul sought tapped into the elemental forces they embodied. Their essence, once an amalgamation of Radiance and Shadow, gradually changed, transmuting into a closer alignment with the Nh’áhrean and elemental forces, distancing themselves from the Scionic bloodline.   The transformative mutations and attributes of the Neru-Dracary were intrinsically linked to their elemental core. An Earth Dracary, for instance, could not manifest as a water-bound serpent even if it dwelled for centuries within Lethassa. However, progeny stemming from a union between Water and Earth Dracary held the potential for a unique hybridity, inheriting and adapting the traits of both elemental lineages. The nurturing environment and proximity to the Stones of the Aeos Parure played a pivotal role in determining the evolutionary path of such hybrid Dracary, shaping their essence and form to align more prominently with a specific elemental affinity.  

The Maatria

  Amidst the evolution of the Neru-Dracary, there exists a tragic aberration among their species— the Maatria, a term derived from the Draconic language signifying neglect, pathetic nature, and ill-born existence. Born of rare circumstance, these Dracary are a disconnection from their core elemental affiliations, rendering them feeble and inept in harnessing elemental powers. The Maatria's existence, while uncommon in years after the Break of the Second Age, was once the subject of fascination in freak shows and zoological exhibits, owing to their powerlessness and thus, harmless disposition.   These rare beings, a weakened form from the Neru-Dracary lineage, suffer from their almost complete disassociation with elemental forces. Exhibiting stunted growth, often undersized even into adulthood, and bearing physical inadequacies such as faulty wings or incomplete dental structures, Maatria typically lack the ability to manipulate any elemental power. Their frail existence is marked by a significantly shortened lifespan, typically spanning up to 15 years, though exceptions have been recorded, suggesting a potential for longer life that might stretch to a hundred years or more in rare instances.  

Gift your child a Dragon pet!

  As society accommodated to the post-Dragonfall era, Maatria became sought-after commodities, coveted as exotic pets by affluent families. Their scarcity and perceived status of "rarity" within the market drove exorbitant prices, often equivalent to the value of an entire middle-class household. The allure of possessing a Maatria, while superficially a status symbol, contributed to the thriving industry of guidelines, publications, and market demand dedicated to the care and procurement of these powerless Dracary. Dragonhunters, targeted mother Dracary for both the extraction of valuable parts and the procurement of their hatchlings to rear as Maatria pets.   Alar, a focal point for such trade, witnessed a flourishing industry that propagated guidelines advising pet owners to keep Maatria away from their core elemental environments, preventing their evolution into fully-fledged Dracary. Despite the ostensible benefit to their living conditions, Maatria were subjugated to a life bereft of elemental connection, often relegated to captivity and servitude as exotic novelties.  

From exotic pets to criminal charges

  The illicit trade of Maatria persisted for generations, though today’s society, driven by moral and ethical concerns, has imposed stringent regulations against their commodification and ownership. The Abbey, unequivocally prohibits the possession or trade of Maatria, marking it as a punishable offense. Individuals found in violation of these laws face legal repercussions and the mandatory surrender of Maatria to the Abbey. The Abbey, seeking to restore their connection to their elemental nature or provide a semblance of liberty, facilitates the relocation of Maatria, either within Aepollum's sanctuary or to suitable natural habitats where they can live free from the bonds of captivity and neglect.   Today, while a few Maatria might persist within the elite circles, the greater societal stance holds strong in condemning their captivity and advocating for their return to the wild from whence they came, guided by the Abbey's mission of redemption and liberation for these forgotten beings.

General Information

Type - Greater Beings   Population - approx. 90% of all Greater Beings   Threat Level - Dragons threaten the Nh'áhrean’s balance at a high to very high level


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