The Draconic Era

Era beginning/end


The birth of the First Draconic Empire and the Kingdom.

The Draconic Era stands as a relatively shorter period of growth amidst the new reign brought forth by Balrose and the Dragons following Kalzamaath's slumber. The First Draconic Empire, also known as the First Kingdom, emerged as the first symbol of collaboration and unity between mortals and draconic beings.  

The Beginnings of Civilization

  Under the guidance of Balrose and the Dragons, the First Draconic Empire thrived, however establishing only but the foundation of an enlightened society, still dependent on slavery. The “citizens” of the First Draconic Empire were the Beasts and Wyrms, but their citizenship carried no individual rights, only hard responsibilities. Even though both the Tome and the Abbey claims otherwise, independent academic sources are very firm on this theory. Even with the shackles of slavery, Aesor flourished as the Dragons used their elemental blessings to nurture and shape Aesor in accordance with Kalzamaath's Prophecy.  

The Wyrm Wars

  However, this period of moderate peace was disrupted by an inevitable internal strife. The rise of the Wyrms, the sub-race of Dragons, treated as Beasts and created to serve the Dragons, sparked the Wyrm Wars. These lesser creatures rebelled against the oppressive rule of their Paragon Aocnoryt and the Dragons, seeking freedom and autonomy. The conflict escalated into a full-scale war, pitting the rebellious Wyrms against the established Draconic Empire.   Though the First Draconic Empire ultimately quelled the Wyrm rebellion after a prolonged and devastating conflict lasting two years, it left a trail of destruction and sorrow in its wake. Even the annihilation of the Wyrms remains shrouded in mystery and speculation, as the Paragons today, refuse to share anything about the details of the Wyrm Wars. However, academic research suggests a connection between the emergence of a new race known as the Ihn, or more commonly known as Monsters and the results surrounding the Wyrm Wars. The Ihn are terrifying entities, great, powerful and many times highly marcritic in nature, thought to be created by the Dragons to destroy the Wyrms’.   The outcome of the rebellion's resolution cast a shadow over the stability and prosperity the Empire had enjoyed. The Wyrms were completely gone, which meant that the those that built the foundations of the Empire were also no longer present. Historians tend to question Aepollum’s decision making and true goal during these times, as it seemed like that with the death of the Wyrms, the Draconic Empire simply gave up with continuing their work on building the Kingdom, until the Dawn of Creation at least.  

Legacy & Uncertainty

  The aftermath of the Wyrm Wars marked a turning point in Aesor's history. The scars of the conflict lingered, and the emergence of the Monsters added a new layer of problems to Aesor’s growth. Rumors, theories, and speculations abound regarding the nature of the Monsters, how they were dealt with, their origins, and their connection to the Dragons, Balrose, and the cataclysmic events that unfolded during the Wyrm Wars.   Historians and scholars continue to debate and study this era, attempting to uncover the truths buried beneath the untold pages of the Tome of the Kingdom. Until mortal academics find the answers, the legacy of the Draconic Era remains a complex web of questions on top of questions.

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Dragons of Aesor
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