Greyscale Outpost

Greyscale outpost was founded as a defence against the hordes of the Nightlands. At its heart is the keep "Heldfast", a stone keep and defence emplacement often armed well with siege weapons. However, to help facilitate Greyscales average troops hold of 300 or so, a village is set outside of the post.    The village is lumped into Greyscale as one by the general public. Its actual name of "Gateside" is rarely used, rather its referred to as "Greyscale village". This village is mainly farmers, traders, and general labourers. They help keep Greyscale running and supplied.    Despite its reason for existing, Greyscale is sleepy. Nightlands raiders rarely come its way, and when they do they tend to avoid the fort. Instead, Greyscale functions as another farming settlement that just happens to have a large population of soldiers.


Greyscale maintains around 200-300 soldiers within its fort and the surrounding area at any given time. The rest of the population is local farmers, labourers, and traders who live in the village outside the forts walls.


Greyscale technically falls into the purview of the Lord of the Woods, but its unique nature as a military post means it sits outside many of the standard procedures. Greyscale is run by the military, reporting directly to the Hilt. Its leader is the Knight-Captain of Greyscale, while the village has opted to be run by the forces and allowed a Sergeant-at-arms to be put in place as mayor.


Heldfast fort is large and walled off, featuring towers and siege weapons. Many villagers built defensive bunkers underneath their homes in fear of draconic invasion, and tunnels are known to connect some of these.

Industry & Trade

Greyscale deals mostly in fish and farm, trading out to the east and south.


Large wheat farms, the Heldfast Fort, the short sea wall, and long fishing docks.


Greyscale is split into 4 major sectors:    The Fort, or military district is near the centre of the village. It encompasses the fort, the walled off barracks and yard, and the small keep for administration. This is almost always off limits to those not in the Hilts army.    Outside of the fort is the trading district. This is one of the largest, including the homes for many of those living in Greyscale. Inns, goods stores, and brothels are prevalent within it. Its often referred to as the "off duty district".    The farms reach out westward, with many small farms plotted around the western reaches of Greyscale. These areas are quiet, seeing very little excitement.    Finally, the docks offer up long stretches of fighting and boating. The docks are informally run by "Harpoon Eels", a gang of local thugs.

Guilds and Factions

"Grey-Swords" are a group of long standing soldiers who have had the post for years, sometimes decades. They're often married into the village, and like to flaunt their seniority.  The Harpoon Eels are a gang of thugs on the docks, trading in Flashback and Esher. They like to shake down businesses.  the "Gatekeepers" are a group of known individuals living in the village, forming a small society of those who gossip, complain, and make life difficult for others.
Alternative Name(s)
Grey Sky, Sleep-post, Dragon pen
Outpost / Base
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location