Kingdom of Requiem

The Kingdom of Requiem as a nation is an extremely powerful kingdom spanning from the far edge of the Sellsword woods to the near edge of the Owlbear forest. It's the oldest "true kingdom", being the first to have its modern form of government and borders in place.    Requiem is ruled by a monarch, descended generations form its original ruler of King Lyfelde and has been free from any succession wars. Beneath the monarch is their appointed council to help run the nation and manage important tasks, as well as advise the monarch. The monarch also appoints 4 lords to manage territory throughout the land. These are: 
  • The Lord of the Hills, who manages territory south of silent tower and west of the half hand. 
  • The Lord of the Woods, who manages the territory east of the half hand and south of old sun town. 
  • The Lord of the Bay, who manages the territory north of old sun town 
  • the Lord of the Walls, who manages the Hilt. 
These lords appoint the mayors of their sectors, but often leave that up to citizen vote. The lords manage their territory in a way to keep potential rebellion down, and lowering the oversight of the monarch.    As of post 451, Requiem has undergone a shift in magical understanding. Lack of real conflict or threat of war has let mages push the understanding and control of magic. Requiem has increased its ability to harness magic beyond many other kingdoms, and its population is much more inclined towards magic. Low enchantment magic items are common place, many harness magic in their profession, and creatures of arcane origin are more accepted in society. Magical danger and arcane events are also more common.    This has led to a societal shift. Mercenaries are seen with fame previously reserved for nobility. Arcane focuses and items of spell crafting have increased in value. Uncontrolled boughs of spellcasting loom over locations, and trade of dangerous magical goods between kingdoms is on the rise.


  1. Monarch
  2. Monarchs Council 
  3. Appointed Lords 
  4. Appointed Mayors 


Requiem outside of its cities has a quiet culture of family, community, and safety. Farmlands dislike outsiders and are tight knit. Those in the cities are often more open, accepting of change, and have broader communities. Recent increase in Requiems magic study has created a mercenary culture, where guilds and adventurers are seen as celebrities. Arcane incidents, monster attacks, and planar incidents are on the rise as magic has increased. As such, adventuring is seen as much more lucrative and mercenary work has lost is public disdain.   Magic has also come to the commoner, with many using common magic items or small spells in their day to day work. Cities harness it much more, such as the Hilts ever moving boats, and Duskdrifts lit streets.

Public Agenda

Protect their people, keep the world safe.


Large fortune, wyvern riders, magical power

Belief in the Sword

Founding Date
163 AE
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Lyfeldes, coins that come in copper, silver, and gold.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Kingdom of Requiem