Magnus Greymoore

Magnus Greymoore is a 7 '0 forty five-year-old bear folk man (grizzly bear) from the City of Anchorpoint, gaining the title five years ago from the retiring Architect Arcane Spritz Weathervane, a gnomish man. A majority of department heads elected Magnus after three rounds Of voting; his tenure has been quiet thus far, with nothing too out of the ordinary happening. He is a no-nonsense person with a “get to the point; I have a meeting to attend” attitude. This attitude is a front that he puts up as the public-facing leader of a highly prestigious institution; in private or with friends, Magnus is a kind, friendly fellow fiercely loyal to his friends and entirely dedicated to all academy members, no matter who they are or where they originated. Before becoming “Architect,” Magnus was a part of the medicine department; he returned to his home country of Vanreth and gave medical aid to those in need. A large part of Magnus’s kind nature comes from his years of being a field medic helping anyone and everyone. He has nerves of steel, earning him the nickname "magic hands Magnus" for his amazing surgical skills.
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