Royal Academy of Engineers

Founded in 335 AE by Maximus, the RAE is a magical institution focused on the construction and utilization of magic through various items. While the UOR has its department towards magical understanding, the RAE seeks to discect magic and better learn how it works. This has yeileded a lot of success, and the different departments of the RAE have made strides in magical tinkering and the field of artficing.    The structure itself features a large domed structure as its center front, with a trio of large rectangular buildings flanking it in a U shape. These buildings are the wings for the university, with an open campus square at the center between them all. In front of the domed structure is a statue to Maximus, featuring him holding his hammer and extending his hand out.    The RAE is a prestigous and diffixcult to enter school, with a variety of enterance exams and a fairly sizeable tuition. Scholarships for those that show extreme talent or aptitude are available, but are difficult to acquire.
University / Educational complex
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Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization