
The bridge city of Orelin is a massive city taking up both the Palatine Bridge and the surrounding area on either side. Orelin is a hub for business, trade, and war. Orelin has been englufed more than once in conflict, as the Palatine Bridge is an important strategic crossing. As such, Orelins buildings are all partially rebuilt. Some have only their foundations as the original homes, with the rest being cobbled together or rebuilt throughout the last few centuries.    Orelins keep is known as the Reedmarch, and is stationed on the east side of the river. The Reedmarch is actually fairly new. The Apex was the previous keep, which sat in the middle of the bridge before it's destruction during the War of the Dragon.    Orelin has changed hands. Previously, House Fullrider held Orelin but their anihilation during the Fullrider Coup has led to House Highrun (old friends of the ruling house of Ashwell) to take control.
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Owning Organization