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Altair Asra is the choosen vessel of the Ohrder.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short and thin, but not unhandsom.

Special abilities

Spiritually tied to the shadow beast. Altair has some fraction of its power.

Apparel & Accessories

Weilds a wooden staff with a peice of coal at its top. Wears a large, but light, cloak whose hood and many folds keeps altair bathed in shadow.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Altair was a loud confident child, although in many respects he played second fiddle to this twin sister, Ishtar. Not long before his 13th birthday he became bonded to a being of immense, shadowy, power. Granting his oracle magic. He went off to the inquisitor training program with Ishtar and was found to be the choosen vessel of Ohr. As the vessel, Altair was frequently brought into secret cerimonies where he witnessed firsthand unspeakable horrors, inflicted mainly on enemies of the Ohrder.


Altair was educated as any upper crust member of society would be.



Accomplishments & Achievements

Got "Most likely to assend to godhood" at the inquisitor training program's yearly retreat.

Failures & Embarrassments

Altair feels that he's letting down his people by shirking his responsibilities as the vessel. Altair has felt some embarsement for a while that he hasn't been able to manifest many of the powers that the vessel is supposed to.

Mental Trauma

Altair has seen (and participated in?) horrific rituals at secret ceremonies while serving as the vessel.

Intellectual Characteristics

Altair is very charismatic. He excels at getting others to see the world the way he dos. He isn't particularly brilliant intelectually though. He also lacks the wisdom that comes with age, he is still a 15 year old dispite everything he went through.

Morality & Philosophy

Altair is a good person deep down, but his views of what's okay have been warped by his upbringing and in particular his experiences as the vessel. He doesn't wish anyone harm, but he will do whatever it takes to keep himself and those around him safe.

Altair Asra is the only son and yougest child of Salan and Faith Asra. His twin sister, Ishtar, and he are inseperable. He is the choosen vesel of the Ohrder.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Evil
15 years old
Date of Birth
January 26th 1310
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 cm
50 kg

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Personal Journal: Escape
May 7th, 1325

I run away today. Helma and I have never gotten along, but she and Ohriana have been instrumental in putting this together. I'ld say that we were lucky to put this together so smothly, but I guess we have Ishtar to thank for that. I never inteneded for Mori to join us on this, but he's always been a loyal friend. As iritating as he can be, he's had a hard life; I probably should go a bit easier on him. He is one of us now.

A note found under Altair's bed.
May 6th, 1325

By the time you're reading this I'll be long gone. I can't belive I'm doing this. I never wanted this, but it's the best for everyone. I guess I'll start at the beginning.   Its no secret that Ishtar and I are close. If I'm being honest I couldn't ask for a better best friend, but she can be a lot sometimes. It probably won't suprise anyone that when we got our powers she pulled a few pranks. Well she isn't sure exaclty how she did this, but she's pretty confident she did... I mean we don't know if she did do anything. Ishtar says that some of her spirits messed with me, with all of us really. She says I'm not really the vessel, at least probably not. One of the spirits... I can't explain how it works, she can say it better than I can. What maters is she's fairly confident that I'm not the vessel. When she first told me this I didn't belive her, but there are some inconsistancies I can't ignore anymore.   Its was the greatest responsibility of my life to be the vessel, I wish I could go through with it. I can't turn the living to the undead, let alone the undead to the living. Hell, I can't even talk to the dead. Jornok assures me that these abilities will develop in time, but its been two years.   I guess she was right, I have been developing new... well I don't really know what to call this to be honest. Whatever this is, it doesn't feel like I'm the vessel anymore. I can still feel the presense, but I don't think it chose me. I don't belive that this is the being of profecy, if it is then we don't want to fulful this profecy.   It doesn't mater anymore I guess. Its too far gone now, I have no choice but to leave. I know I will never be accepted back, but my comitment to the faith will never wane and I will continue to spread the word as I can.   To my Mom, Dad and sisters, I'm sorry and I'll miss you. To Jennah, I guess this is goodbye.   Sincerely, - Altair

Personal Journal: What the fuck was that?
January 12th, 1323

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