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Altair Asra is the only son and yougest child of Salan and Faith Asra. His twin sister, Ishtar, and he are inseperable. He is the choosen vesel of the Ohrder.

Campaign & Party

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May 7th, 1325

Personal Journal: Escape

by Altair

I run away today. Helma and I have never gotten along, but she and Ohriana have been instrumental in putting this together. I'ld say that we were lucky to put this together so smothly, but I guess we have Ishtar to thank for that. I never inteneded for Mori to join us on this, but he's always been a loyal friend. As iritating as he can be, he's had a hard life; I probably should go a bit easier on him. He is one of us now.

Altair's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Altair's history, from the beginning to today.

Personal Journal: What the fuck was that?

Fill in later...

09:45 pm - 30.01.2022

Why I'm leaving.

By the time you're reading this I'll be long gone. I can't belive I'm doing this. I never wanted this, but it's the best for everyone. I guess I'll start at the beginning. Its no secret that Ishtar and I are close. If I'm being honest I couldn't ask fo...

08:35 am - 29.01.2022


I run away today....

12:49 am - 24.01.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Altair.

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