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The Imperial Militia

When the enemies of the Empire march across her borders, the Holy Army moves to intercept them. As the Army makes its way across the countryside, they gather the militias of the towns that they come across to defend the Empire. The reach of the Holy Ventium Empire is great and powerful across the sea and is slowly gaining a grasp on this continent. Each of the hamlets, villages, towns, and cities under the Empire's control charges each and every male citizen old enough and able to wield a weapon be trained by the local captain of the guard to defend the settlement and the Empire if need be.



All of the able-bodied men are trained to be called upon by the Emperor in times of need. The numbers vary by village or town, hamlet or settlement. The only constant is the Imperial Centurians and the legionnaires that were stationed in each settlement. In times of war, the settlements, with the assistance of the stationed Centurian and legionnaires, will form a militia century, or block of, on average 100 militiamen.


Equipment available to the militias is only whatever they own personally. It is not uncommon for the members of the militias to continue their occupations on the road to war. The butcher may bring a few heads of cows with him, the grocer a cart of vegetables, or the general store owner may pack up most of his stores to sell and barter on the road to war. The families will generally come together and cook meals as a whole using everyone supplies and sharing the outcome. Most, if not all of the supplies used by a village participating in a skirmish or battle will be replenished by the Emperor when the ordeal has been completed. When the men return home from war, the Centurian's quartermaster is tasked with compensation for the fallen's family, replenishing the used goods on the campaign, and awarding the survivors and those that set themselves apart with valorous acts. Many that survived the fields of battle are awarded Imperial swords or shields, while those with extreme acts of valor are awarded armor or a place among the stationed legionnaires.


The majority of the militias that defend the outlying villages and towns are manned by villagers armed only with crude farming equipment converted for warfare. War scythes, sickles, quarterstaves, and wooden spears make up the majority of the militia's arsenal. The few wealthier villagers that can afford swords and shields act as seconds in command while the Centurian is present, individually in charge of a section of men. The militia is outfitted with basic clothes that they wore when they left, or furs if the seasons have changed to fall and winter.


The mode of transportation for the militia is by foot. Horses are only used by the Centurian, his legionaries, the cavalry unit that is attached to the Centurian, and whoever from the village that are wealthy enough to afford one. The villagers band together and bring whatever carts and wagons that can be spared, and those are usually pulled by themselves, oxen, or any other beast of burden they have in the village at their disposal.


The command structure of a militia is simple. The Centurian is in direct command of his garrison and the members of the militia. The Centurians in many instances have one or more of the more able-bodied villagers, act as individual captains of sections of the village. This is more noticeable in the inner towns and villages of The Empire. It is not unheard of for a Centurian of a larger settlement, such as Valia, to have 5 or more militia captains that are in command of a section of 20 villagers. Each section has the ability to move individually, or with the militia as a whole.


The militias are trained in basic warfare, and as such are sent in as frontline swarming troops. The chaos and general disarray of the militias can work in their favor, or can be a weakness. Low morale and training oftentimes leads to the sections breaking formation from the militia and routing from the battlefield, but a militia that is well taken care of, by a Centurian and his legionnaires that they respect, can be a chaotic swarm that can overrun infantry units and rip armored knights right from their saddles.


The men that are able-bodied are trained in the basics of combat, and even then usually only with spears. Some of the wealthier citizens can afford shields and in the rarest of cases, a sword and are taught in those as well. Some Centurians will go out of their way and train their villagers more in the ways of war, but that comes with a price, usually out of the Centurian's own sachels.
Overall training Level
Parent Formation

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