
Artisan of the Hunt, Wild Mistress, Speaker of the Trees

The Wild Mistress Akreta is the Astral Artisan of the Hunt. A lithe woman, clad in hide wields a longbow of twisted vines. A wild goddess of nature and animals, she roams and preserves the balance of the wilderness. It is common for those living in the wilderness to pray to Akreta, especially Veskiirans. She is said to bring health or knowledge to those who tame the wilds; and devastation to those who harm them. A valiant protector or a menacing predator; Akreta is a force of nature itself.

Divine Domains

Grave, Nature, Order, Protection, Strength, Ambition

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A tree whose roots and branches intertwine and create a circle.

Tenets of Faith

The strong survive, but and the weak will die. Take pity on those less fortunate by circumstance, but if they squander their chance, they deserve it no longer.


Within the Season of Artisans, Eìtear Ain is the day of provision. A feast is shared amongst communities, friends, and families; each bringing their own goods to share. Some bring more, and some less, but it is to share with each other and be thankful together.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall, pale, lithe woman dressed in furs and hides, the edges wet with blood. Her hand holds a bow made from vines as large as trees, each of which grows and dies as it is in the eternal cycle of nature. Her feet are bare and are fraught with scars, as are her beared arms. Her face is thin; spritely in nature, and her eyes shine with those of a predator.
Divine Classification


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