
Attendant Healer, Goddess of Life, Lifebringer

The most prevalent Attendant goddess; Ehra is the goddess of health, life, and medicine. Known as the Attendant healer, she is a pale woman with a halo of stars that are said to heal any ailment. Ehra's white gown has depictions of leaves and medicines. She is prayed to for those looking to heal others and sometimes by those looking for more selfish desires. Compared to the other Attendants, Ehra is praised almost as much as an Archon and more than any Architect or even Artisan. Often she is seen as the antithesis to Pera.

Divine Domains

Life, Light, Nature, Protection, Unity

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A palm from which a line, resembling a vine, sprouts.

Tenets of Faith

Everyone, good or evil, deserves life and the chance to change for the better.


The last day of each year is dedicated to Ehra, as a symbol of renewal. Eìtear Vilas is the day bringing life. The night is spent celebrating life and bringing in the next year while the day after is spent resting. Each phase of this holiday is about appreciating the life that you are given, by both celebrating the enjoyments of lie as well as taking care of one's self.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A pale woman dressed in a flowing white gown decorated with golden flowers and herbs. Her eyes glow a bright yellow as does her long wavy hair. Above her head floats a golden halo of stars, too many to count, each said to be able to cure any ailment,
Divine Classification


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