
Archon of Justice, King of the Gods, The Royal Divine

The god of the gods in the Astral pantheon. Ruling over all Garess is the great balancer, herald of the righteous, bringer of justice, and the King of the gods. Many pray to Garess, even those who do not believe in the Astrals will travel to temples of Garess in order to pay alms in hopes of a favor of his divine light.

Divine Domains

Light, Order, Protection, Twilight, Strength, Zeal

Holy Books & Codes

Garess' book of law is known as the Vi'ad. It contains hundreds of codes of honor and value that the priests and paladins of Garess strive to follow.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An opulent golden crown. Even in simple depictions, the filigree is detailed.

Tenets of Faith

The 100 virtues of Garess are subdivided into 10 sections. These are: Faith, Charity, Justice, Sagacity, Action, Temperance, Truth, Valor, Passion, and Hope


Ivva atone, or the "day of penance" is the main holiday that celebrates Garess. The main purpose is to repent upon the sins that you had made that year in order to be better seen in the light of Garess. Usually, a payment is made to the church as well.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Garess' goals are disputed widely, though it is well understood that his one goal is to unite all people, good and evil, under the balance of his name.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A tall and broad figure with a strong and squared jaw. His long wavy brown hair flows from underneath his opulent golden crown, and his gleaming armor shines with a golden light.
Divine Classification
Onyx black
Light brown hair in long wavy locks.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark tanned skin


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