
Artisan of Keys, Artisan of Locks, The Keeper, Broken Warden

The Astral Artisan of craftsmanship, especially locks and keys. Ogrym is rarely one's first choice of diety, but many turn to him when looking for certain things. He creates answers to problems through thought and makes it true through will. People who worship Ogrym are usually looking not for answers, but solutions; ways in which they can solve their own problems. Many find that although few follow his doctrines, or even pray to him, those that do will find themselves where they wish to be sooner rather than later.

Divine Domains

Forge, Knowledge, Light, Order, Protection, Strength, Ambition

Holy Books & Codes

Many believe there was once a book of Ogrym's, meant to describe the details to a great machine; a creation to solve all problems. Others believe that thought to be heretical, as they believe that Ogrym would have one solve their own difficulties, rather than searching for a single tome. In either case, they refer to it as Ogyr Ä Eoturna, or "Ogrym's Legacy".

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A delicate looking key, always vertical as to stand on its own.

Tenets of Faith

Through will and determination, one can bring about change in their own life. Once that is done they may be able to change others.


On Hel Ogreim in the season of the Artisans, people will create costumes, decorations, and trinkets to symbolize their ability to create on their own. Then, after a long day of crafting, they will grant these trinkets to children to show them this principle, as well as to begin the second tenant of Ogyrm's faith. Unlike most holidays from the Astral pantheon, Hel Ogreim is taken much less seriously.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ogrym resembles a tall muscular olive-skinned man with light brown hair showing from the back of a menacing iron mask. Many believe him to be horribly scarred, even muted, by a past incident with another god. Other parts of his skin resemble molten metal; forming on him as if they were scars.
Divine Classification


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