
The Betrayer Attendant, Cursed Concubine, Queen of Slaves

The betrayer Attendant of the Astrals, Ratoskyr was once the servant of the great Garess; King of the gods. Only those abused and beaten, who have nowhere left to turn, pray to Ratoskyr. She brings vengeance, and wrath upon those who have wronged her follows, not to say that there isn't a price.

Divine Domains

Death, Protection, Trickery, Twilight

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Three curving roses; a symbol of her twisted innocence.

Tenets of Faith

Overcome those who seek to oppress.


On the coldest day of the year, Cariss Maes, people will seek to calm Ratoskyr by showing gratitude to those under or above them. Usually, this means a trade of gifts within circles of family and friends.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A short woman dressed in torn rags, beaten and bruised. Her greasy black hair falls over a dark black scar.
Divine Classification


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