
Archon of Time, Father Fortune, Star Father

God of divination and fortune; Theran is the Archon of Time. The designer of stars created a land outside of the Architect's control for the Astrals to live. A popular god as well, Theran has temples in many countries regardless of their moral codes. Those that pray to Theran wish for fortunes or knowledge in the future. Others pray for reconciliation from the actions of the past.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Knowledge, Light, Order, Trickery, Twilight

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An hourglass surrounded by stars. The sand in the glass seeming to swirl and move in unnatural ways.

Tenets of Faith


Though unknownst to the world, the Tenets of Theran lay in his temple. Theran is usually prayed to for reconciliation of past actions, or for good luck in the future. In actuality, Theran believes to MAKE a better future, and to not burden one's self with the past. His belief is that time is purely a place that must be maintained and made better for the next generations. As the god of fortune, he believes that luck is what you make of it, and he is to bless those who spend the effort to deserve it.


In the season of the Archons, Theran is praised on Feìs Efora; the day of Father Fortune. Massive celebrations centered around gambling take place in most cities, though smaller towns will play small games. Parades and daring feats are performed with the idea that Theran will protect them on his day, and for the most part they seem to be right.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

His robes of celestial lights cover his form, leaving only his face uncovered; a bald, dark-skinned man with onyx black eyes.
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations


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