Thama Ashvale
Thama Ashvale, the son of Van'Karne , was every bit the weapon master and terror on the field of battle as his father. He was more enamored with knowledge of magics in his later years, making him one of the only living beings able to banish the undead mage. This was unacceptable to the scheming evil wizard, who sent a company of wraiths to deal with him. They were woefully out matched by the young elf, who suffered only a single cut from a darkened blade. This was enough to bring about Thamas' undoing if left unattended, so he was destined to roam the realms in search for a cure.
He traversed Alfheim and Svartalfheim looking for his cure with his famed Dwarf crafted 2 handed sword "Tydwr Tani" elder speak for "bringer of flame". He reentered the fight to regain control of the realm after finding his remidy in Svartalfheim. After visiting his sister, the now leader of the Rhwym Vaelym , and learning of their quest to find the twin guardian Alteuri , he went forth with great conviction to find her. He was successful in finding, and freeing her, using the magics of the elder ones. This was successful, but she became like the Vaelym . She became their goddess, leading them, and the realm into victory against the vile undead mage and his dark armies, due, in no small part, to the second greatest warrior in the realm.
He is called a 'Hravn Tongue’ due to his unnaturally advanced knowledge of magic and the things unseen.