Alsolm B Nard

Alsolm B Nard

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Alsolm's general physical condition is characterized by a lack of athleticism and a tendency to quickly tire even during mundane exercises. Recognizing his limitations, he relies heavily on magical shadow constructs to augment his physical abilities, particularly in tasks requiring strength or endurance. These constructs, manifested as hands and arms, provide him with the necessary assistance to navigate physical challenges that would otherwise exhaust him. While his reliance on magic may compensate for his physical shortcomings, it also highlights his resourcefulness and adaptability in overcoming obstacles.

Body Features

Alsolm possesses a slender and somewhat delicate physique, lacking the robustness typically associated with athleticism. Despite this, his figure maintains a certain elegance, characterized by gracefully defined muscles that hint at his dedication to magical pursuits rather than physical training. His complexion is fair and unblemished, accentuated by a subtle radiance that seems to emanate from within, a testament to his proficiency in manipulating magical energies. Notable among his features are his hands, adorned with leather gloves that conceal any signs of wear or calluses, symbolizing both his aversion to physical exertion and his penchant for meticulous preparation.

Facial Features

Alsolm boasts facial features that captivate attention with their striking combination of masculine and feminine allure. His soft, angular face is framed by long lashes that accentuate his expressive eyes, which hold a depth of intensity that belies his serene countenance. Despite his inherent attractiveness, there's a perpetual hint of weariness etched into his visage, manifesting as faint sleep lines beneath his eyes, or at times, an almost haunting darkness that seems to linger in the depths of his gaze, giving rise to an enigmatic aura.

Identifying Characteristics

Alsolm possesses several identifying features that set him apart with a unique and distinctive appearance. Most notably, his striking eyes, which hold a captivating intensity, often appear to have faint sleep lines or occasionally darken, adding to his enigmatic allure. Additionally, he wears leather gloves and long sleeves to avoid skin-to-skin contact, a practice stemming from his taboo and distaste for such interactions, except with those he deeply cares for.

Physical quirks

Alsolm exhibits several physical quirks that add to his enigmatic presence. Notably, when interacting with others, he tends to avoid skin-to-skin contact by wearing leather gloves and long sleeves, a behavior stemming from his taboo and discomfort with such interactions. Furthermore, he often displays a subtle but constant tension in his posture, reflecting his underlying sense of restraint and reservation. Additionally, he possesses a peculiar habit of tapping his fingers rhythmically when lost in thought, a gesture that hints at the depth of his contemplations and the intricacies of his mind.

Apparel & Accessories

Alsolm's choice of attire reflects both his practicality and his desire for self-preservation. He favors garments that provide coverage, often opting for long sleeves and high collars to conceal his skin and maintain a sense of distance from others. His preference for leather gloves serves a dual purpose, shielding his hands from unwanted contact while adding a subtle touch of sophistication to his ensemble. Despite his inclination towards modesty, Alsolm possesses a keen eye for detail, occasionally incorporating subtle embellishments or intricate patterns into his attire to convey a sense of refinement. Furthermore, he selects accessories with care, choosing pieces that complement his overall aesthetic while serving as practical tools or symbolic tokens of his identity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alsolm's personal history is a tapestry woven with threads of adversity, resilience, and dark ambition. Abandoned as an infant and raised in the shadows of Aetheria's enigmatic streets, he learned early on the harsh realities of survival. Adopted by Francis and Eleanora Blackwood, respected magical scholars whose untimely deaths left him feeling adrift, Alsolm sought solace and power in the forbidden arts. His time at the Blackthorn Arcane Institute marked by academic excellence and a thirst for knowledge, Alsolm's mastery of dark magic became his defining trait, masking his chronic illness and physical vulnerabilities. Yet beneath his enigmatic demeanor lies a soul torn between ruthless ambition and a longing for connection, haunted by the echoes of his turbulent past and the shadows of his mysterious mentor. As he navigates the treacherous skies of Aetheria, Alsolm's journey is one of self-discovery, redemption, and the relentless pursuit of power in a world where darkness and light dance in a delicate balance.


Alsolm's sexuality is as complex and enigmatic as his mastery of dark magic. As a pansexual individual, he transcends the boundaries of gender and physical attributes in his romantic and sexual attractions, embracing a fluidity that mirrors the ever-shifting shadows of his character. His pansexuality, though perhaps overshadowed by his ruthless ambition and mysterious demeanor, speaks to his open-mindedness and acceptance of others, offering a glimpse into the depths of his soul where vulnerability and desire intertwine.


Alsolm's education is a testament to his unyielding pursuit of knowledge and power within the magical realm of Aetheria. From his formative years as an orphan on the streets to his enrollment at the prestigious Blackthorn Arcane Institute, Alsolm's journey through academia is marked by a relentless thirst for mastery over the arcane arts. Excelling academically and earning the title of valedictorian, he distinguished himself as a prodigious talent in the study of dark and forbidden magic, honing his skills amidst the whispers of ancient tomes and the flickering shadows of the institute's hallowed halls.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Master of Dark Magic: Alsolm's mastery of dark and forbidden magic is a crowning achievement, earned through years of study, practice, and relentless ambition. His command over the darker aspects of the arcane arts has solidified his reputation as one of the most formidable practitioners in Aetheria, with his spells and enchantments striking fear into the hearts of even the most seasoned magical adversaries.
  • Valedictorian of Blackthorn Arcane Institute: Alsolm's academic prowess and dedication to the study of magic culminated in his recognition as the valedictorian of his class at the Blackthorn Arcane Institute. His exceptional grades, coupled with his deep understanding of the arcane, set him apart as a prodigious talent destined for greatness within the magical community.
  • Victor of the Blood Moon Duel: In a dramatic display of his dueling prowess, Alsolm emerged victorious in the prestigious Blood Moon Duel, a high-stakes magical tournament held under the light of the crimson moon. His strategic brilliance and mastery of dark magic were on full display as he bested formidable opponents, solidifying his status as a duelist of unparalleled skill and cunning.
  • Discoverer of the Shadow Veil: Through years of painstaking research and exploration, Alsolm uncovered the elusive Shadow Veil, a hidden realm teeming with ancient knowledge and forgotten magic. His discovery sparked widespread intrigue and speculation within the magical community, establishing him as a trailblazer in the pursuit of arcane secrets.
  • Architect of the Midnight Ritual: Alsolm's expertise in dark magic culminated in the creation of the Midnight Ritual, a potent enchantment that imbues its caster with unparalleled power under the cover of darkness. His mastery over the ritual's intricate incantations and esoteric components solidified his reputation as a visionary sorcerer capable of bending the forces of night to his will.
  • Champion of the Eclipse Games: In a dazzling display of magical prowess, Alsolm emerged as the undisputed champion of the Eclipse Games, a prestigious tournament showcasing the talents of Aetheria's most skilled spellcasters. His victory, achieved through cunning strategy and unparalleled magical finesse, earned him accolades and admiration from peers and rivals alike.

Failures & Embarrassments

Alsolm carries a heavy burden of failures and embarrassments, primarily stemming from the profound regret of inadvertently crippling his own leg due to a magic mishap. The anguish of this injury weighs heavily on his conscience, serving as a constant reminder of his own fallibility and the devastating consequences of his actions. Despite his considerable magical prowess, the knowledge that he was responsible for the corruption that now plagues his leg drives him to seek redemption and mastery in the arcane arts. His deepest motivation lies in his fervent desire to rectify the damage wrought by his own hand, channeling his determination into becoming stronger and more proficient in magic to ultimately mend the affliction that afflicts him. Additionally, his hesitation to ask for Talia's hand in marriage stems from a sense of guilt, as he feels unworthy of her affection due to the injury he inflicted upon himself through his own folly, further fueling his resolve to overcome his shortcomings and prove himself deserving of her love.

Mental Trauma

Alsolm harbors a deep-seated mental trauma stemming from the magical accident that left his leg crippled. While he outwardly focuses on honing his magical abilities to rectify the damage, internally, he grapples with unresolved feelings of guilt, inadequacy, and self-doubt. This trauma manifests in subconscious fears of failure and a relentless drive for perfection, pushing him to the brink of exhaustion as he strives to prove his worthiness to himself and others. Despite his outward confidence and determination, Alsolm battles inner demons, struggling to reconcile his perceived failures with his aspirations for redemption. Unbeknownst even to himself, this underlying trauma shapes his every thought and action, driving him to push beyond his limits in a relentless pursuit of self-acceptance and inner peace.

Intellectual Characteristics

Alsolm possesses a sharp intellect characterized by a blend of analytical prowess and creative problem-solving skills. His empathetic nature and keen observation make him an active listener, allowing him to understand others' perspectives with depth and insight. Modesty accompanies his intellectual acumen, as he humbly acknowledges his strengths while remaining open to learning from those around him. Curiosity fuels his quest for knowledge across diverse domains, from the intricacies of magic to the complexities of human behavior. While he excels in grasping abstract concepts and celestial studies, his empathetic nature ensures that his intellectual pursuits are grounded in a deep understanding of the experience.

Morality & Philosophy

Alsolm's morality is anchored in a profound belief in the inherent goodness of individuals and the interconnectedness of all living beings. He embraces the philosophy of self-expression and self-discovery, advocating for the freedom to pursue one's true identity and purpose. Central to his moral compass is a commitment to kindness, empathy, and generosity, as he believes in supporting others in their journey towards self-improvement and fulfillment. Alsolm's philosophy extends to the sharing of knowledge and compassion, viewing these as essential tools for nurturing a harmonious existence. He abhors rudeness and cruelty, striving to uphold respect for personal boundaries, ideals, and traditions while championing justice and protection for the vulnerable.


Alsolm holds several personal taboos that guide his actions and decisions. Foremost among these is his absolute aversion to causing any form of permanent harm to those he cares about, which includes both physical harm and emotional distress. This principle extends to a deep-seated taboo against engaging in fights or self-harm, as he is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of his loved ones at all costs. Additionally, Alsolm harbors a taboo regarding physical contact with bare skin, often wearing gloves and long sleeves to avoid such interactions due to a hidden distaste, though he makes exceptions for those he deeply cares for. Another core taboo for him is the fear of being perceived as unreliable or incapable, driving him to constantly strive for excellence and reliability in all his endeavors. Lastly, Alsolm's determination to do things the right way stems from a past trauma, leading him to avoid certain actions, such as starting a family with Talia, until he feels capable of doing so without compromising his standards.

Personality Characteristics


Alsolm's motivation is driven by a profound sense of guilt and a fervent desire for redemption. His crippling leg injury, caused by a magical mishap for which he holds himself responsible, serves as a constant reminder of his failings. Determined to atone for his mistakes, he tirelessly endeavors to strengthen his magical abilities, hoping to one day rectify the corruption that mars his leg. However, his guilt extends beyond his physical injury; it also manifests in his reluctance to pursue a romantic relationship with Talia, fearing that his past errors make him unworthy of her affection. Despite his self-imposed barriers, Alsolm's motivation remains unwavering, fueled by a deep-seated commitment to righting his wrongs and proving himself capable of overcoming his shortcomings.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Alsolm's savvies lie in his deep understanding of arcane knowledge and his adeptness at manipulating shadow magic constructs to compensate for his physical limitations. He excels in strategic thinking and problem-solving, often finding creative solutions to complex magical challenges. However, he struggles with physical activities due to his lack of athleticism, often quickly tiring from even mundane exercises. This ineptitude pushes him to rely heavily on his magical abilities, emphasizing his preference for intellectual pursuits over physical endeavors.

Likes & Dislikes

  1. Delving into arcane mysteries and unraveling the secrets of magic.
  2. Spending solitary hours studying ancient tomes and practicing new spells.
  3. Engaging in philosophical discussions about the nature of reality and existence.
  4. Observing the interplay of shadows and light, finding beauty in the contrast.
  5. Enjoying the tranquility of nature, particularly in moonlit nights when shadows dance gracefully.
  1. Being interrupted or distracted during his studies or spellcasting rituals.
  2. Loud and chaotic environments that disrupt his concentration and contemplation.
  3. Being underestimated or dismissed due to his physical limitations.
  4. Mundane tasks or activities that require excessive physical exertion.
  5. Being forced to confront his own insecurities or face his inner demons, preferring to bury them beneath layers of intellect and magical prowess.

Virtues & Personality perks

Alsolm possesses several virtues and personality perks that define his character:
  1. Intellectual Brilliance: His sharp intellect and deep understanding of magical principles make him a formidable mage and scholar.
  2. Unwavering Determination: Despite facing physical limitations, he displays remarkable perseverance and resilience, pushing himself to excel in the arcane arts.
  3. Inner Strength: Alsolm harbors a quiet inner strength, which enables him to endure hardships and overcome challenges with grace and dignity.
  4. Compassionate Nature: He shows genuine empathy and compassion towards others, often using his magical abilities to aid those in need.
  5. Resolute Integrity: Alsolm upholds strong moral principles and values, always striving to do what he believes is right, even in the face of adversity.
  6. Creative Ingenuity: He demonstrates creative thinking and innovative problem-solving skills, often finding unconventional solutions to complex magical dilemmas.
  7. Reflective Insight: Alsolm possesses a reflective nature, frequently contemplating deeper philosophical questions and seeking a greater understanding of the universe and his place within it.
  8. Artistic Sensibility: Despite his scholarly pursuits, he appreciates beauty in all its forms and finds inspiration in the aesthetic aspects of magic and the natural world.

Vices & Personality flaws

Alsolm, despite his many virtues, also grapples with several vices and personality flaws:
  1. Self-Doubt: He struggles with feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, often questioning his own abilities and worth as a mage.
  2. Perfectionism: Alsolm's relentless pursuit of perfection can sometimes lead to obsessive behavior and undue stress, as he constantly strives to meet impossibly high standards.
  3. Stubbornness: He can be stubborn and inflexible in his beliefs and opinions, resistant to change or alternative viewpoints.
  4. Fear of Failure: Alsolm harbors a deep-seated fear of failure, which can sometimes prevent him from taking risks or pursuing new opportunities.
  5. Secretive Nature: He tends to keep his inner struggles and vulnerabilities hidden from others, reluctant to seek help or share his burdens.
  6. Overly Critical: Alsolm can be overly critical of himself and others, setting unrealistic expectations and being quick to judge or find fault.
  7. Isolation Tendencies: At times, he withdraws from social interactions and isolates himself emotionally, struggling to connect with others on a deeper level.
  8. Trust Issues: Due to past traumas and betrayals, Alsolm struggles to trust others fully, leading to difficulties in forming meaningful relationships and collaborations.

Personality Quirks

Alsolm exhibits several tics and quirks that are characteristic of his personality. One notable quirk is his tendency to tap his fingers rhythmically when lost in thought or contemplating a challenging problem, a habit that often accompanies his intense focus on magical studies. Additionally, he has a habit of absentmindedly biting his lower lip when feeling anxious or uncertain, a subconscious gesture that reveals his inner turmoil. When engaged in conversation, he frequently adjusts his glasses with precise movements, a subtle indication of his meticulous nature and attention to detail. Despite his composed demeanor, Alsolm occasionally reveals glimpses of nervousness through his tendency to fidget with the hem of his cloak, betraying his underlying apprehensions.


Contacts & Relations

Alsolm has a variety of contacts, relations, and affiliations that shape his world. One notable figure is Syfer Riddlesgard, the stern and calculating vice-president of the student advisory committee during Alsolm's time as president. Syfer's sharp features and authoritative demeanor command respect, making her a formidable presence in any setting. Their interactions, marked by Syfer's unyielding professionalism and Alsolm's composed yet elusive nature, showcase the dynamic between them. Despite the occasional clash of personalities, they navigate their roles with a sense of duty and responsibility, each playing their part in the intricate web of student governance.

Social Aptitude

Alsolm B. Nard exhibits a complex social aptitude characterized by a blend of charm, intelligence, and reserved demeanor. While he possesses the ability to navigate social situations with grace and diplomacy, he also maintains a certain level of detachment, often keeping his true thoughts and emotions guarded. His interactions with others are marked by a calculated approach, carefully choosing his words and actions to achieve his desired outcomes. Despite his reserved nature, Alsolm can adapt to various social environments and personalities, effortlessly blending in while still maintaining a sense of individuality.


Alsolm's mannerisms reflect a blend of refinement and subtle eccentricity. He moves with a graceful and deliberate elegance, each gesture and expression carefully calculated to convey his thoughts and emotions. When engaged in conversation, he employs hand gestures and facial expressions with precision, enhancing his communication while maintaining an air of sophistication. Despite his composed exterior, there's a hint of unpredictability in his movements, adding an element of intrigue to his demeanor.


Alsolm B Nard

Betrothed (Vital)

Towards Talia Everlore



Talia Everlore

Betrothed (Vital)

Towards Alsolm B Nard



Honorary & Occupational Titles
During his school days as the "Prince of Shadow," earned this title due to his remarkable proficiency in shadow magic and his unparalleled mastery of manipulating shadows to his advantage. As a student, he astounded his peers and instructors alike with his innovative techniques and strategic prowess, solidifying his reputation as a formidable practitioner of the arcane arts.
6 feet 2 inches (188 cm)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Strength isn't just in what we can do, but in how we rise after every fall."