Malik River

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Malik River maintains an excellent level of physical fitness. He possesses an athletic build with lean muscle, attributed to his training as a mercenary and his determination to become an Elemental Knight. Malik is agile and has no known physical ailments or abnormalities, ensuring his body is in top condition for combat and his ongoing journey.

Body Features

Malik's tall stature, standing at 6'11" (211 cm), makes him quite imposing. He has a lean and muscular physique, and his skin is unblemished, with a warm brown complexion. Notably, his head is adorned with dreadlocks, a distinguishing feature that sets him apart.

Facial Features

His facial features are characterized by warm brown eyes that reflect his compassionate nature. Malik's strong jawline and well-defined cheekbones lend an air of determination to his face. He typically sports a short beard that complements his rugged appearance.

Identifying Characteristics

A faint scar on his left forearm, a remnant from a past encounter with a skyborne creature, serves as an identifying feature. Beyond that, his tall and athletic frame, combined with his distinctive dreadlocks, make him memorable in appearance.

Physical quirks

Malik's physical quirks include his tendency to have a confident and purposeful stride, reflecting his determined nature. He often carries himself with a calm and steady demeanor, a result of his mental and emotional resilience. In combat, he exhibits a distinct fluidity and grace in his movements, a testament to his mastery of the scimitar.

Apparel & Accessories

Malik's typical attire consists of practical and functional clothing suitable for his mercenary work. He often wears lightweight, moisture-wicking garments that provide ease of movement during combat. His most distinctive accessory is a scabbard for his scimitar, which is always by his side. When not on missions, he may opt for more casual clothing but maintains a preference for comfort and functionality over fashion.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Malik's personal history is a tapestry woven with a rich blend of adventure, exploration, and self-discovery. Born under the vast expanse of the open sky, he grew up in a nomadic tribe of wanderers who roamed the plains and deserts, embracing the untamed wilderness as their home. From a young age, Malik displayed an insatiable curiosity about the world beyond his tribe's boundaries.   As a teenager, he embarked on his first solo journey, venturing into the uncharted territories that lay beyond the familiar horizon. This expedition marked the beginning of his life as an adventurer, a path that would take him to the far corners of the world. Malik's encounters with diverse cultures and landscapes broadened his horizons, fueling his thirst for knowledge and his passion for exploration.   Throughout his travels, he honed his skills in survival, navigation, and diplomacy. He became a storyteller, sharing the tales of his adventures around campfires and in bustling marketplaces. Malik's reputation as a charismatic and fearless adventurer grew, attracting like-minded individuals who joined him on his quests.   While Malik's heart belonged to the thrill of discovery and the freedom of the open road, he couldn't escape the allure of romance. Along his journeys, he met a myriad of fascinating people, and his heart found solace and passion in the arms of those who shared his love for adventure. However, despite these connections, Malik remained a free spirit, hesitant to commit to any one place or person, always yearning for the next great exploration that awaited him on the horizon.

Gender Identity

Malik identifies as a cisgender male. His gender identity aligns with the sex he was assigned at birth, and he embraces his masculine identity as he embarks on his adventures and explores the world. While his gender identity is an important aspect of who he is, it doesn't define him entirely. Malik's character is a multifaceted blend of his experiences, personality, and the unique journey he undertakes in his life.


Malik's sexuality is primarily heterosexual. He is attracted to individuals of the opposite gender. Throughout his adventures and encounters, he has experienced romantic and sexual connections with women. However, Malik's sexuality is just one facet of his character, and his journey encompasses a wide range of experiences and relationships that contribute to the richness of his story. His encounters with different individuals have shaped his views on love, intimacy, and connection, making him a well-rounded and dynamic character in the tapestry of his world.


Malik's education is primarily experiential and self-directed. As an adventurer and wanderer, he hasn't followed a formal educational path. Instead, he has learned through practical experiences, mentorship from fellow adventurers, and the trials and challenges he has faced during his journeys.   His education involves a deep understanding of survival skills, combat techniques, navigation, and problem-solving. He has gained knowledge about various cultures, languages, and customs through interacting with people from diverse backgrounds during his travels. Malik's ability to adapt to different environments and situations is a testament to the practical knowledge he has accumulated over the years.   While he may not possess formal academic credentials, his resourcefulness and ability to learn quickly have been essential in his adventures and have shaped him into the capable and knowledgeable individual he is today.


Malik's employment history is unconventional, given his life as a wandering adventurer. He has never held a traditional job in the sense of working for a specific employer or company. Instead, his livelihood has been forged through a combination of activities that enable him to sustain his nomadic lifestyle.   One of his primary sources of income is derived from the spoils of his adventures. Malik often embarks on quests, missions, or explorations that lead him to uncover valuable artifacts, treasures, or resources. These findings are either sold to collectors, historians, or museums or used for his own sustenance and equipment maintenance.   Additionally, Malik has honed his combat skills over the years, making him a formidable warrior. He occasionally offers his services as a freelance mercenary or protector to those in need. People and communities facing threats from monsters, bandits, or other dangers may seek his assistance for a fee.   Furthermore, Malik's travels have given him a deep understanding of different cultures, languages, and regions. This knowledge has allowed him to work as an occasional translator, guide, or mediator, helping bridge cultural gaps or navigate unfamiliar territories for others.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Throughout his life as a wandering adventurer, Malik has amassed a series of remarkable accomplishments and achievements. While his journey has primarily been driven by a thirst for exploration and excitement, these feats reflect his resilience, resourcefulness, and exceptional abilities.   One of Malik's most notable accomplishments is his collection of valuable artifacts and treasures from various parts of the world. Over the years, he has uncovered rare relics, ancient manuscripts, and unique items of historical significance. These discoveries have not only earned him a reputation as a skilled treasure hunter but have also contributed to the preservation of cultural heritage.   Malik's combat prowess is another significant achievement. He has faced and overcome countless challenges, including battles with formidable monsters, rival adventurers, and hostile forces. His expertise in combat and his ability to strategize in the heat of battle have garnered him respect and admiration from peers and allies.   As a polyglot and a keen observer of diverse cultures, Malik has achieved fluency in numerous languages and developed a deep understanding of different societies. This multicultural knowledge has enabled him to serve as a mediator and cultural liaison in various regions, facilitating communication and fostering diplomacy among different groups.   Additionally, Malik's reputation as a protector and defender of those in need is an accomplishment close to his heart. Many villages and communities have benefited from his interventions, whether it be repelling marauding creatures or providing security during times of crisis.

Failures & Embarrassments

Malik River's life has been marked by both triumphs and tribulations, showcasing the complexity of his character. While his journey as a mercenary and adventurer has led to numerous accomplishments, he has also faced his fair share of failures and embarrassments.   One of Malik's significant failures is his strained relationship with his son, Jalen. Despite his deep love for his child, their connection has become distant over the years. Malik blames himself for not being there when Jalen needed him most, and this familial discord haunts him. It remains one of the most profound regrets of his life.   Another source of embarrassment for Malik is his struggle with an attraction to young girls. This inner conflict has caused him immense turmoil, and he deeply regrets the implications of these feelings. It is a personal battle that he grapples with, acknowledging the inappropriateness of such emotions.   In his mercenary work, Malik has faced missions that did not go according to plan. There have been instances where his impatience or recklessness led to unfavorable outcomes. These experiences have served as valuable lessons, but they have also left him embarrassed and self-critical.

Mental Trauma

Malik River carries deep emotional trauma stemming from his past experiences, particularly concerning his late wife and estranged son, Jalen. These traumatic events have left lasting scars on his psyche and continue to impact his emotional well-being.   One of the most significant sources of trauma for Malik is the loss of his beloved wife. Her death was a heart-wrenching experience that shook him to his core. Watching her suffer from a debilitating illness and ultimately losing her was a painful and traumatic ordeal. This loss has left him with feelings of guilt and helplessness, as he was unable to save the person he loved dearly.   Another source of trauma is his strained relationship with his son, Jalen. Malik deeply regrets not being there for Jalen during his formative years. Their emotional distance has created an ongoing sense of guilt and remorse within Malik. The longing to reconcile with his son and bridge the gap between them is a constant source of emotional turmoil.   These traumas have had a profound impact on Malik's mental and emotional well-being. He often experiences bouts of regret, sadness, and guilt, which can affect his overall mood and outlook on life. Despite these challenges, Malik remains determined to repair the fractured bonds with his son and honor the memory of his late wife by pursuing his dreams and aspirations.

Morality & Philosophy

Malik River's morality is deeply rooted in principles of compassion, determination, and redemption. He believes in the inherent value of every individual and strives to help those in need whenever he can. His compassionate nature drives him to seek connections with others and provide support, especially to those who have faced hardships similar to his own.   Malik's philosophy centers around resilience and the pursuit of one's dreams despite adversity. He firmly believes that everyone deserves a chance at redemption and personal growth, which is reflected in his unwavering determination to become an Elemental Knight. He views life as a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement, and he seeks to find meaning and purpose in his experiences.


Malik River acknowledges that personal taboos and societal norms can vary widely among different cultures and individuals. However, he holds certain values dear and believes that harming others intentionally or causing unnecessary suffering is fundamentally wrong. He considers violence without just cause, cruelty, and manipulation as actions that go against his moral compass.   Additionally, due to his own struggles and regrets, Malik finds taboos related to exploitation and the mistreatment of vulnerable individuals to be particularly abhorrent. His personal experiences have led him to be highly sensitive to issues surrounding consent and the well-being of those who may be in vulnerable positions.   Overall, Malik's perspective on taboos aligns with his compassionate and determined nature, emphasizing empathy and the importance of treating others with respect and kindness.

Personality Characteristics


Malik River's primary motivation is to become an Elemental Knight. He is driven by the desire to reconcile with his estranged son, Jalen, and to honor the memory of his late wife. Malik also seeks to protect his homeland from threats and to make amends for past regrets.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Exceptional combat skills with a scimitar.
  • Determination and unwavering resolve.
  • Compassion and the ability to connect with others emotionally.
  • Strained relationship with his son, Jalen.
  • Guilt and regret that he carries from the past.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Training and honing his combat skills.
  • Spending time near bodies of water, reflecting his connection to the Water Elemental Law.
  • Participating in the Waterway Festival, which holds sentimental value.
  • Enjoying moments of tranquility amidst the bustling life of the Dominion.
  • Reflecting on his aspirations to become an Elemental Knight.
  • The strained relationship with his son, Jalen.
  • Confrontation and conflict within his mercenary missions.
  • His own flaws, particularly his attraction to young girls, which he deeply regrets.
  • Feeling helpless, as he did during his late wife's illness.
  • Being judged or mistrusted because of his personal struggles.

Virtues & Personality perks

Determined: Malik is unwavering in his pursuit of becoming an Elemental Knight and reconciling with his son. Compassionate: He genuinely cares about the well-being of those around him and is quick to lend a helping hand. Resilient: Malik has overcome various challenges in his life, displaying mental and emotional strength.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Strained Relationship: Malik's relationship with his son, Jalen, is fraught with tension and distance.
  • Guilt and Regret: He carries a heavy burden of guilt, particularly regarding his son and his late wife's illness.
  • Flawed Attraction: Malik struggles with a personal weakness, feeling remorseful about his attraction to young girls.
  • Impatience: He can occasionally display impatience and recklessness, particularly when his aspirations are challenged.
  • Vulnerability: Malik is vulnerable to emotional turmoil, especially when his goals and dreams face obstacles.

Personality Quirks

  • Confident Stride: Malik tends to have a confident and purposeful stride, reflecting his determined nature.
  • Steady Demeanor: He often carries himself with a calm and steady demeanor, a result of his mental and emotional resilience.
  • Graceful Combat: In combat, he exhibits a distinct fluidity and grace in his movements, a testament to his mastery of the scimitar.



Malik does not hold any official political or royal titles. However, his life is marked by significant personal moments, including his training as a mercenary and his journey to become an Elemental Knight. These periods have shaped his character, although they do not constitute a reign in the traditional sense.

Contacts & Relations

Malik has limited social contacts due to the nature of his work and his strained relationship with his son, Jalen. He maintains connections with fellow mercenaries and associates in the Dominion. His desire to become an Elemental Knight has led him to seek the guidance of scholars and elemental experts.

Family Ties

Malik's parents are deceased, having passed away when he was young. He has a strained relationship with his estranged son, Jalen, and is determined to reconcile with him.

Religious Views

Malik holds a reverence for the Elemental Laws, particularly the Water Elemental Law. While he is not deeply religious, his training as an aspiring Elemental Knight has instilled in him a respect for the natural forces that govern his world.

Social Aptitude

Malik possesses charisma, but his confidence has been affected by past regrets and strained relationships. He can be introverted at times, especially when dealing with personal issues. His etiquette and mannerisms reflect his training and background as a mercenary.


Malik has a habit of maintaining a steady and composed demeanor, even in the face of adversity. He tends to speak with a deep and resonant voice, often using thoughtful and measured words. In combat, he exhibits graceful and fluid movements, a result of his mastery of the scimitar.

Hobbies & Pets

Malik does not have any known pets. His hobbies include training to improve his combat skills, reflecting on his aspirations to become an Elemental Knight, and spending moments of tranquility near bodies of water, which connect him to the Water Elemental Law.


Malik's speech is characterized by a deep and resonant voice. He speaks with clarity and confidence, although he can be reserved when discussing personal matters. In casual conversations, he tends to be thoughtful and measured in his words. In combat situations, his speech is concise and focused on strategy and communication with allies.


Malik River

Lover (Important)

Towards Talia Everlore



Talia Everlore

ex-lover (Important)

Towards Malik River




Malik and Talia's relationship flourished over the three years they spent together. Their bond deepened with time, turning their initial attraction into a profound connection. They shared countless adventures, both in their mercenary work and personal life, which further solidified their partnership.   Their communication and understanding of each other's needs became remarkably intuitive. Malik's devotion to Talia, coupled with her affection for him, created an unbreakable emotional tie. Together, they navigated challenges, supported each other's ambitions, and found comfort in each other's arms.   However, as time passed, they both realized that their individual aspirations were leading them down different paths. While they cherished their time together, their goals no longer aligned as they once did. Rather than cling to a relationship that was becoming more about memories than future prospects, they chose to part ways amicably.   Their breakup was marked by mutual respect and understanding. They shared a heartfelt farewell, expressing gratitude for the love and growth they experienced together. While they went their separate ways, they remained friends, occasionally crossing paths in the world of mercenaries, where their professional relationship remained as strong as ever. Their history together continued to be a cherished chapter in both of their lives, an intense love that had gracefully evolved into a deep and enduring friendship.

Nicknames & Petnames

In the passionate intimacy they shared, Malik often whispered "Starlight" in a husky voice, his deep affection evident in his tone. Talia, equally enamored, would lovingly call him "Mal," a name that took on a more sensual connotation within the confines of their shared moments of desire.

Relationship Reasoning

Malik and Talia's relationship was built on a potent combination of physical chemistry and emotional connection. Their intense attraction to each other was undeniable, and it was a driving force that initially brought them together. Their shared values and ambitions only deepened their bond, creating a unique fusion of passionate desire and genuine emotional intimacy.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Beyond their fiery attraction, Malik and Talia found harmony in the bedroom, where their bodies moved in a mesmerizing dance of desire. Their shared interests extended to their sensual explorations, as they both reveled in the pleasures of physical connection. These shared moments of intimacy served to strengthen their emotional connection outside the bedroom, making their relationship even more profound.

Shared Secrets

Malik confided in Talia about the guilt and regret he carried regarding his strained relationship with his estranged son, Jalen, and his late wife's illness. They found solace in each other's willingness to open up, exploring their own secrets and desires, creating a space where they could be entirely open and free, knowing they'd be met with understanding and acceptance. Their physical chemistry translated into a profound emotional bond, forging a connection that was as intense outside the bedroom as it was within.

Wealth & Financial state

Malik's wealth is modest, mainly earned through his work as a mercenary. He does not have significant assets or investments but earns a living to sustain himself. His income primarily depends on the contracts he accepts and the rewards he receives for completed missions.
Current Status
Widower, Single, Mercenary.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Malik River holds the title of "Sellsword" or "Mercenary" due to his profession. He aspires to achieve the title of "Elemental Knight," which is his ultimate goal.
Circumstances of Birth
Normal childbirth to loving parents.
Born in Hydrarok's Capital City, Aquaterra
Current Residence
Various, nomadic lifestyle
Warm brown
Black dreads
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Human skin, Hydrarokian ethnicity.
6'11" (211 cm)
Aligned Organization