Berick Dreeston Snr Character in Aetheria | World Anvil
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Berick Dreeston Snr

Come in, take a seat. Could i get you a drink, some soup maybe a roast. Whatever you need to make you feel at home
— Berick
Berick may look meak in stature, but that belies his farmer strength, easily able to manhandle the most aogitated of Sows.   Equipment: All the farming equipment you could ever want along with every kitchen utensil you can shake a stick at. Having injured hisleg more recently, Berick is never without his crutch and also never without his Dog.   Personality: A stoic softly spoken man, always willing to help out a stranger even in these troubling times. Bericks ability to speak easily to strangers may tie back to his loneliness having lost his wive almost two decades ago
Backstory: The Old farmstead outside of Atwoodgraben has been in the Dreeston family for 5 generations. Mostly looking after an ever dwindling herd of semi wild goats along with arable crops and a small Orchard. His Son is on the way to Amberpool with the last of their saleable crops hoping to find some way of making enough money to keep the farm going.  




Berwick's Farm
Settlement | Jun 14, 2024

Talks about his goats like old friends. His left leg is heavily bandaged and he walks with a limp.

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